Synchronicity or “meaningful coincidence” is something that I absolutely love. We’ve all heard the word synchronicity before but what does it really mean? Carl Jung was the original person to coin the word “synchronicity,” in which he described it as an causal connection of two or more psycho-physic phenomena. Jung further defined synchronicity as the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.
The idea of synchronicity was inspired by him from one of his patients:
One night, the patient dreamt a golden scarab - cetonia aurata. The next day, during the psychotherapy session, a real insect this time, hit against the Jung's cabinet window. Jung caught it and discovered surprisingly that it was a golden scarab; a very rare presence for that climate.
So, the idea is all about coincidence: in this case, between the scarab dreamt by the patient and its appearance in reality, in the psychotherapy cabinet.
Synchronicity is an outer manifestation of what is going on inside of us with our thoughts, emotions and the energy we are putting out to the universe. Synchronicity shows us what wants to come through from our deeper world. There are several different types of synchronicity, some that are simple, like thinking of an old friend and then running into them the same day. Some are more complex and interwoven with several different events and layers of meaningful coincidences.
My experience with synchronicity is that I find it showing up more often when I am in the flow. We have all experienced being in the flow with life: you feel amazing, everything is working out, you always get the perfect parking spot, meet the right people, there is no resistance etc. When synchronistic events are showing up in my life, I know that I am in alignment with my Higher Self. It’s like a wink or a message from the universe that I am on the right track, or there is something I need to know.
I have had some truly incredible synchronistic events occur in my life, I will give an example of a simpler one that occurred about 7 years ago:
I was in my kitchen getting ready to leave for the day. I opened up the fridge looking for an apple, but there was not one to be found. I thought to myself, “I wish I had an apple.” Then left the building and arrived at my car and to my surprise, there was a bird right on top of my car, eating a whole apple. I remember chuckling to myself and being grateful for the wink… of course I didn’t eat the apple, but it was definitely a meaningful coincidence.
Synchronicity isn’t always one single incident, it can be multiple incidents occurring that are somehow connected to each other, and they can span out across years. An example of this occurred just a few minutes ago for me (while I was writing this very blog). I had literally just wrote the paragraph above about the apple, I got in my car to go somewhere and as I was thinking back to that moment with the bird and the apple, I looked to the left and saw a license plate that said, APPLE 99. Again, I chuckled and thanked the universe.
Sometimes the universe is trying to get a message to us and meaningful coincidences will keep showing up repeatedly. One way the universe does this for me is with repeated numbers, for example I will see 888 or 777 constantly. When this happens, I know I need to pay attention. Numbers carry a vibration and I will look up the vibratory meaning of the number - to learn more about numerology see this (link). Without fail the numbers always match up to a message that I need. Another example is when you say something or ask-a-question out loud or to yourself and in that moment the answer comes to you in-the-form of a sign, an email, a text, or a conversation you overhear.
Synchronicity tends to occur more during times that carry strong emotions: falling in love, births, deaths etc. Also, during times of change and in regular everyday life synchronicity is sure to show itself. Synchronicity is a very personal experience, where you get the feeling/knowing in your heart and your gut that there is something unseen and deeper speaking to you, giving you a message, giving you guidance, or putting you back on track.
In order for synchronicity to show up in your life, you have to be aware and be present. If you are going through life stressed out and in your head about this or that, you are not likely going to notice a synchronistic event, even if one occurs. You need to be paying attention to what is going on in the environment around you. The more present, open, aware and in tune you become, the more you will start noticing synchronicity occur. Synchronicity is a gift from the universe, it blesses you with a wonderful knowing that you are tapping into a hidden, deeper order of reality. When you experience synchronicity it touches your heart deeply and you feel it to the core of your being.
One of the ways that I create more synchronicity in my life is with crystals and gemstones like this one:

To see more of our designs see the link (here).
Many Blessings!