Crystal & Crystal Care Guide
Welcome to our Crystal Guide!
The crystals on our site are listed here in alphabetical order and updated regularly to include new insights.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to download your FREE Crystal Care Guide.
Please note that some crystals may be grouped together under one heading, ie. Green Opal under Opal, Pink Tourmaline under Tourmaline and Rose Quartz under Quartz.
Which crystal are you looking for?
Agate is stable and grounding crystal that brings about physical, emotional and intellectual balance and harmonizes your yin and yang energies. Its ability to create a sense of security and safety helps you open your heart, overcome bitterness and foster love. Work with these energies to find the courage you need to start something new.
Agate brings hidden information to light, guiding your attention to anything that is interfering with your well-being. Work with it to address, in a practical manner, anything that no longer serves you.
Agate facilitates self-acceptance, builds self-confidence and improves your concentration, perception and analytical abilities. Work with it to connect deeper to your intuitive powers and also to exercise speaking your truth.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Black Agate", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/black-agate.static_1200x.jpg?v=85925113990585167221710533030", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Black Agate is a balancing stone that is highly grounding and protective. It’s a calming stone that offers security during times of grief. Work with it to bring peace and amplify joy into your life.
Black Agate helps to organize your thoughts and release any stress from your body. It will help you connect with the physical and spiritual planes, and also to ground them in your reality. Work with it to amplify courage, increase motivation and bring abundance.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Blue Lace Agate", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/blue-lace-agate.static_1200x.jpg?v=94182976484203901841710533032", "chakra": "Throat Chakra", "description": "Blue Lace Agate is a throat chakra stone with a calming energy. It counteracts the repression and suppression of feelings that stem from the fear of being judges and rejected. Work with it to amplify self-expression of thoughts and feelings.
Blue Lace is especially useful for helping men to release and accept their sensitivity. It assists with the verbal expression of feelings. Work with it to clear the throat chakra for the expression of your highest spiritual truths.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Botswan Agate, aka Brown Agate", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/botswan-agate-aka-brown-agate.static_1200x.jpg?v=102199936026054321001710533033", "chakra": "Lower Chakras", "description": "Botswan Agate is a problem solving stone that leads the bearer to look at solutions rather than focusing on problems. Work with it to explore unknown territory and your own creativity. Botswan Agate is a soothing and comforting stone that brings positive thoughts and breaks down destructive patterns and bad mental processes. Work with it to shift your focus from the micro to the bigger picture.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Dendritic Agate", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/dendritic-agate.static_1200x.jpg?v=20386885078185222501710533041", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Dendritic Agate is a stone of plentitude. It brings abundance and fullness to all areas of your life and creates a peaceful environment for the enjoyment of each moment. It has a strong connection with the plant kingdom and can enhance communication with that realm. Work with it for deepening your connection to Mother Earth.
Dendritic Agate’s healing properties open and align the chakras, integrating them with higher consciousness and urging you to remain connected to your roots as you grow. Work with it to remain centred in times of strife, and also for perseverance in challenging times.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Fire Agate", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/fire-agate.static_1200x.jpg?v=31094038902237710041710533046", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Fire Agate is a calming stone with a deep connection to the earth. It's a grounding stone that offers safety and security during difficult times. Work with it to shield you against psychic attack.
Fire Agate fires up the base chakra and stimulates vitality on all levels. It instills spiritual fortitude and aids the evolution of consciousness. Work with it to bring up inner problems for resolution.
Fire agate is also an excellent in spiritual endeavours.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Gray-Banded Agate", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/gray-banded-agate.static_1200x.jpg?v=125233051827394683541710533048", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Gray-Banded Agate stimulates the crown chakra, bringing Celestial and earthly energy into the etherial body and harmonizing them with your physical self. Gray-Banded Agate is also a protective stone that absorbs negative energy and cuts unwanted cords. Work with it to release yourself from the bondage of controlling energy. Gray-Banded Agate encourages artistic expression and sensual exploration, reminding us that sexuality is a natural function in life.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Moss Agate", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/moss-agate.static_1200x.jpg?v=60261637778601206881710533075", "chakra": "Lower Chakras", "description": "Moss Agate is a stabilizing stone that refreshes the soul and enables you to see the beauty in all things. It's a birthing stone that helps to release blockages and attract abundance. Work with it to create from a space of joy and alignment.
Moss Agate is a balancing stone that helps intellects connect with their intuition and intuitive people tap into practical solutions. It improves self-esteem and strengthens positive personality traits. Work with it to discover newfound strength and stamina for starting again.
Moss Agate is a highly optimistic stone that encourages trust and hope, and offers insights into any situation we find ourselves in. Work with it to align with your higher self and perspectives.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Red Lace Agate", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/red-lace-agate.static_1200x.jpg?v=74791493656042226751710533100", "chakra": "Third Eye Chakra", "description": "Red Lace Agate, aka Crazy Lace Agate, is the stone of laughter, known for its ability to receive stress and boost happiness. Work with it to soothe your emotions and for the release of old and stagnant energy. Red Lace Agate has an uplifting energy that brings mental clarity and personal connectivity, by way of moving energy freely throughout the body. Work with it to find the courage to start over, renewed.
", "button": "Shop Agate", "buttonUrl": "/collections/agate" }, { "title": "Amazonite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/amazonite.static_1200x.jpg?v=43750912367991539011710533021", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Amazonite is a powerful protection stone that shields against electromagnetic pollution and filters the information passing through your brain. Work with it to guard your energy from external forces.
It's an extremely soothing stone that calms your brain and nervous system, aligns your physical and energy bodies, and re-connects you to your intuitive abilities. Work with it to amplify your personal power.
Amazonite is a balancing stone that soothes emotional trauma, alleviates worry and dispels aggravation. Work with it to view the different sides and various points of view of any situation you find yourself in.
", "button": "Shop Amazonite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/amazonite" }, { "title": "Amber", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/amber.static_1200x.jpg?v=174527903447597203221710533021", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Amber is a grounding stone for higher energies. It also helps to clean the environment and your chakras. Work with it to absorb and transmute negative energies, for stimulating the body to self-heal.
Amber amplifies your drive to achieve that which you desire. It also increases joy and reduces any depressive tendencies. Work with it to stimulate your intellect and amplify your creative self-expression.
", "button": "Shop Amber", "buttonUrl": "/collections/amber" }, { "title": "Amethyst", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/amethyst.static_1200x.jpg?v=55828536886401307771710533023", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Amethyst is an extremely protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It blocks geopathic stress and negative environmental energies and transmutes it all to love. Work with it to transmute any unsettling feelings into divine love.
Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness. It heals and cleanses, removes blockages and helps you overcome addictions of all kinds. It also has the power to open the window to another reality. Work with it to clear your channel and for connecting to your higher self.
Amethyst calms and stimulates, as needed. It gives you control over your mind, whether to clear it for meditation or to focus it on a task at hand. Work with it to call in spiritual insight and also for making important decisions.
Amethyst is a powerfully spiritual stone that promotes love of the divine and offers insights into its true nature. Work with it to amplify selflessness and to reconnect to your intuitive powers.
", "button": "Shop Amethyst", "buttonUrl": "/collections/amethyst" }, { "title": "Amethyst Spirit Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/amethyst-spirit-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Amethyst Spirit Quartz opens the higher crown chakras. It brings about multi-dimensional healing and facilitates transition into higher states of being. Work with it to dissolve karma and detrimental attitudes.
", "button": "Shop Amethyst", "buttonUrl": "/collections/amethyst" }, { "title": "Angel Aura Amethyst", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/angel-aura-amethyst.static_1200x.jpg?v=63724229780252850391710533026", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Angel Aura Amethyst is a Celestial Goddess Crystal with an extremely high spiritual vibration. It opens and activates the upper chakras to bring clarity and spiritual wholeness. Work with it to guard against negative influences, enhance your psychic abilities and boost your spiritual expansion.
The aura coating on these stones is achieved by bonding a natural amethyst quartz stone with platinum and titanium. This process amplifies the powers of the natural stone.
", "button": "Shop Amethyst", "buttonUrl": "/collections/amethyst" }, { "title": "Chevron Amethyst aka Banded Amethyst", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/chevron-amethyst-aka-banded-amethyst.static_1200x.jpg?v=77629412569765387201710533037", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Chevron Amethyst is formed with bands of Quartz, Milky Quartz or Hematite, and includes some of the deepest hues of purple seen in an Amethyst piece. It's a third-eye chakra stone that enhances inner, intuitive vision and outer, physical vision. Chevron Amethyst repels negative energy, cleanses the aura and brings harmony to the organs of the body.
", "button": "Shop Amethyst", "buttonUrl": "/collections/amethyst" }, { "title": "Elestial Amethyst", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/elestial-amethyst.static_1200x.jpg?v=172711906949633070761710533042", "chakra": "Heart Chakra and Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Formed over thousands of years, this particular form of Amethyst is said to possess the answers of the past, present and future. Elestial Amethyst will enhance your intuition, connect you to divine insight and afford you the opportunity to uncover the cause of any problems arising in your life.
Work with it to expand your wisdom and strengthen your connection with source.
Elestial Amethyst is also a heart chakra stone that works with your hopes and ideals to connect you with a romantic partner, or by way of helping you understand the cause of any problems you’re having in your existing relationship.
Work with it to strengthen your resolve for self-healing so that you may better resolve problems that you face in the present.
", "button": "Shop Amethyst", "buttonUrl": "/collections/amethyst" }, { "title": "Lavender Amethyst", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/lavender-amethyst.static_1200x.jpg?v=49553305636759017701710533067", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Lavender Amethyst is a throat and heart chakra stone with a particularly high vibration and the power to take you into beta brain waves. Work with it to infuse love and light into your life and surroundings.
", "button": "Shop Amethyst", "buttonUrl": "/collections/amethyst" }, { "title": "Ametrine", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/ametrine.static_1200x.jpg?v=139843855725835390961710533024", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Ametrine is a powerful combination of Amethyst and Citrine. It's a fast acting crystal that connects the physical realm with higher consicousness. Work with it to connect with your higher self and spirit guides.
Ametrine relieves stress and tension, calms the mind and brings great focus to your meditative practice. It opens the third eye and unites the masculine and feminine energies. Work with it to bring clarity and harmonize perception.
Ametrine enhances compatibility and acceptance of others, reminding us that we are linked by one source. Work with it to move past contradictions and stereotypes.
", "button": "Shop Ametrine", "buttonUrl": "/collections/ametrine" }, { "title": "Ammolite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/ammolite.static_1200x.jpg?v=47655587484018900231710533025", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Ammolite is a rare Canadian stone that activates your Third Eye Chakra and amplifies your metaphysical powers. It’s a powerful karmic cleanser, believed to have your soul’s path encoded in the piece that calls to you. Work with it to align with your higher purpose.
Ammolite encourages inter-dimensional exploration, stimulates your survival instincts and activates your sense of personal empowerment. Work with it to amplify your spiritual will to enter the unknown.
Ammolite is a powerful re-birthing stone. It opens a portal and takes you on a full circle journey to knowing a familiar place for the first time. Work with it to shift old and damaging perspectives.
", "button": "Shop Ammolite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/ammolite" }, { "title": "Ammonite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/ammonite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Ammonite is a fossil found in marine rocks. It vibrates at the same frequency as Ammolite, which is produced from the shell of the Ammonite fossils, and offers the same healing properties.
Ammolite is a rare Canadian stone that activates your Third Eye Chakra and amplifies your metaphysical powers. It’s a powerful karmic cleanser, believed to have your soul’s path encoded in the piece that calls to you. Work with it to align with your higher purpose.
Ammolite encourages inter-dimensional exploration, stimulates your survival instincts and activates your sense of personal empowerment. Work with it to amplify your spiritual will to enter the unknown.
Ammolite is a powerful re-birthing stone. It opens a portal and takes you on a full circle journey to knowing a familiar place for the first time. Work with it to shift old and damaging perspectives.
", "button": "Shop Ammonite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/ammonite" }, { "title": "Andaras", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/andaras.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Genuine Andara crystals are Master Crystals with powerful healing properties.
They increase your vibration and awareness of universal truths.
True and genuine Andaras have been around since the times of the crystal temples in Atlantis and Lemuria, and are thought to be the Highest Vibrational Crystals on the planet at this time.
Work with these magical Crystals to open up your psychic gifts, activate your DNA, and accelerate your process of spiritual development.
Each Andara vibrates at its own frequency, offering you something unique but always magical and transformative.
", "button": "Shop Andaras", "buttonUrl": "/collections/andaras" }, { "title": "Angelite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/angelite.static_1200x.jpg?v=139065678233715708131710533026", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Angelite is a stone of awareness that represents peace and brotherhood. Work with it to deepen spiritual attunement and amplify compassion.
Angelite facilitate conscious contact with the angelic realm and aids in out-of-body journeying. Work with it to clear your channel, connect to universal knowledge and open the way for spiritual inspiration.
", "button": "Shop Angelite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/angelite" }, { "title": "Apatite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/apatite.static_1200x.jpg?v=183558820054473191751710533027", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra and Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Apatite is a stone of inspiration that promotes a humanitarian attitude. It's attuned to the future and also connects to past lives. Work with it to better understand where you came from for the purpose of visualizing where you'd like to go.
Apatite aids in the development of psychic gifts and increases spiritual attunement. It also increases motivation and builds up energy reserves. Work with it to access information to be used for personal and the collective good, and also to stimulate creativity and intellect in the pursuit of those goals.
Apatite works with the base chakra to clear away dense energies like frustration, anger and sorrow. Work with it to overcome emotional exhaustion and raise the kundalini.
", "button": "Shop Apatite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/apatite" }, { "title": "Aquamarine", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/aquamarine.static_1200x.jpg?v=111692429201031913981710533027", "chakra": "Throat Chakra", "description": "Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Work with it to dispel judgment and step into service for others.
It encourages taking responsibility for oneself and aids in the creation of a dynamic and upright personality.
Work with it to break old and self-defeating programs that no longer serve you or the collective.
Aquamarine filters information and clarifies perception. Work with it to bring unfinished business to conclusion.
It also calms the mind and helps you to understand your underlying emotional states. Work with it to gain clarity and invoke spiritual awareness of self.
Work with it to clear and align the throat chakra with higher realms.
", "button": "Shop Aquamarine", "buttonUrl": "/collections/aquamarine" }, { "title": "Pink Aragonite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/pink-aragonite.static_1200x.jpg?v=22725567758360605931710533092", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Pink Aragonite is a powerful heart healing stone, instilling patience, stability and peace in your love life, reflected in more fulfilling relationships.
Work with it to improve trust and increase compassion in your affairs of the heart.
", "button": "Shop Pink Aragonite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/pink-aragonite" }, { "title": "Astrophyllite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/astrophyllite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Astrophyllite works to highlight your unlimited potential and give you access to unspoken needs - yours and your loved ones. Work with it to activate your ability to dream true to your soul's purpose.
It also enables you to attain an objective view of yourself. Work with it to eliminate any qualities and traits that make themselves seen, which no longer serve you.
", "button": "Shop Astrophyllite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/astrophyllite" }, { "title": "Atlantasite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/atlantasite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Atlantasite is a combination of Green Serpentine and Purple Stichtite. It supports the access of past lives in Atlantis, connecting you to ancient wisdom and encouraging you to complete the projects you set in motion at that time in your soul’s journey.
Atlantasite stimulates spiritual evolution and enhances the true nature of spiritual empowerment. It clears and aligns all the Chakras, lowers stress levels and encourages thoughtfulness.
", "button": "Shop Atlantasite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/atlantasite" }, { "title": "Auralite23", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/auralite23.static_1200x.jpg?v=143018130572439585761710533028", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Auralite23 is a powerful synergistic combination of different minerals including Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Pyrite, Nickle, Copper, Iron and so many more.
Its sedative effects on the mind are ideal for profound healing, offering you the stillness you need to see clearly what needs addressing and to consciously connect with higher dimensions, your spirit guides and their messages. Work with it to balance your chakras and enhance your metaphysical abilities.
Auralite23 is also a great stone amplifier, so use it to amplify the energies of the stones your working with.
", "button": "Shop Auralite23", "buttonUrl": "/collections/auralite23" }, { "title": "Aventurine", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/aventurine.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Aventurine is a prosperity stone. It reinforces leadership qualities and encourages perseverance. Work with it to bring understand to that which lies behind the conditions.
", "button": "Shop Aventurine", "buttonUrl": "/collections/aventurine" }, { "title": "Green Aventurine", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/green-aventurine.static_1200x.jpg?v=109534424962010418521710533049", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Green Aventurine is a comforting heart healing stone that enables living within one's own heart. Work with it to harmonize and protect your heart chakra, and also to bring in emotional calm.
", "button": "Shop Aventurine", "buttonUrl": "/collections/aventurine" }, { "title": "Azurite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/azurite.static_1200x.jpg?v=39009747756212590791710533029", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Azurite is an intuitive development stone that urges the soul towards enlightenment. It works with the third eye to attune you to spiritual guidance and raises your consciousness to higher levels. Work with it for greater control over your spiritual unfoldment.
Azurite is also a powerful healing stone that facilitates a deep understanding of how the mind and emotions effect the body. It releases blocks and helps you to let go programmed beliefs that no longer serve your reality. Work with it to clear stress and other negative emotions in order to allow more light into your emotional body.
", "button": "Shop Azurite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/azurite" }, { "title": "Azurite Malachite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/azurite-malachite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Azurite Malachite is a powerful conductor of energy that opens your Third Eye Chakra, unlocks spiritual vision and strengthens your ability to visualize. Work with it to expand your perception of what’s possible and also to amplify your co-creative powers.
Azurite Malachite is also a deep healing stone that brings old blocks and thought patterns to surface, encouraging you to release them in place for new ideas that serve your highest timeline. Work with it to gain clarity and heal wholly.
", "button": "Shop Azurite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/azurite" }, { "title": "Barite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/barite.static_1200x.jpg?v=64660893267354311401710533029", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Barite is an intuitive stone that stimulates dreaming and dream recall. It cleanses and rebalances the entire chakra system and enhances autonomy. Work with it to set yourself free from the expectations of others.
Barite encourages efficient functioning of the brain and brings mental focus. It heightens your ability to organize and express thoughts. Work with it to improve interpersonal communication.
", "button": "Shop Barite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/barite" }, { "title": "Bismuth", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/bismuth.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Bismuth is a laboratory grown stone that helps with adjustments to higher frequencies. It activates your crown and higher crown chakras, sending Kundalini energy down through your body to the base and earth star chakra. Work with it to move easily between the physical and metaphysical planes.
Bismuth facilitates changing complex thought patterns that are no longer useful, making way for new patterns to imprint. Work with it release conditionings that no longer serve a caring accepting community.
", "button": "Shop Bismuth", "buttonUrl": "/collections/bismuth" }, { "title": "Bronzite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/bronzite.static_1200x.jpg?v=122377757642958575911710533033", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Bronzite is a magical root chakra stone that offers total serenity by facilitating entry into a dynamic state of non-action and non-doing - simply being. It encourages fluidity and has a powerful ability to amplify the bigger picture. Work with it to strengthen non-judgment, open up to objective perspectives, restore your composure, and to keep a cool head in conflict.
Bronzite’s protective and grounding properties amplify positive self-assertion. Work with it to facilitate speaking your truth and for support in setting healthy boundaries.
", "button": "Shop Bronzite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/bronzite" }, { "title": "Cacoxenite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/cacoxenite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Cacoxenite is a spiritual stone that heightens spiritual awareness. It takes you to the core soul memories that require healing or integration before present-day spiritual evolution can occur. Work with it to release inhibitions.
Work with this powerful stone to overcome stress and fear, and to harmonize your personal will with your Higher Self. Allow it to show you all the good that you have to offer.
", "button": "Shop Cacoxenite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/cacoxenite" }, { "title": "Amethyst Cacoxenite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/amethyst-cacoxenite.static_1200x.jpg?v=128707736413498331121710533023", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Amethyst Cacoxenite activates the third eye and crown chakras, increasing your receptivity to new and divine ideas. Work with this powerful stone to overcome stress and fear, and to harmonize your personal will with your Higher Self. Allow it to show you all the good that you have to offer.
", "button": "Shop Cacoxenite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/cacoxenite" }, { "title": "Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=56893154649549301221710533036", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Calcite is an amplifying and cleansing stone that cleans negative energies from the environment. It removes stagnant energy from the body and speeds up development and growth. Work with it to open higher awareness and for tapping into your psychic abilities.
Calcite connects emotions with the intellect. It calms the mind and stimulates insight. Work with it to alleviate emotional stress and enhance trust in oneself.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Blue Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/blue-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=150345577315208108861710533032", "chakra": "Throat Chakra", "description": "Blue Calcite is a healing stone that cleanses and purifies the energetic body. Work with it to soothe the nerves and dissolve pain.
Blue Calcite also activates the throat chakra and clears communication. Work with it express yourself in the most beneficial way.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Chocolate Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/chocolate-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=13852583103352208581710533038", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Chocolate Calcite is awareness stone that opens you to opportunity and prosperity.
Work with it to activate your solar plexus chakra, amplify your will to pursue your dreams and bring joy into your journey.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Cobalto-Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/cobalto-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=20586044645734706441710533040", "chakra": "Third Eye Chakra", "description": "Cobalto-Calcite is a nurturing stone of unconditional love and forgiveness. It’s a stone of self-discovery that integrates the heart and mind to help you connect to your innate talents and life purpose. Cobalto-Calcite helps you turn ideas into actions, harmonizes emotions with intellect and brings the etherial and physical bodies into alignment. Work with it for healing and transmuting emotional traumas and blocks.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Green Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/green-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra", "description": "Green Calcite is a mental healer that supports you in dissolving rigid beliefs and old programs. It aids communication and the transition from a stagnant to a positive situation.
Work with it to come out of the comforts that don't serve your highest good and for restoring balance to your mind.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Honey Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/honey-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=112824212176203936151710533053", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra", "description": "Honey Calcite is a stone of responsible leadership, teaching us how to use our power for good. Its also a powerful healing stone for helping us recover from abuse by increasing our feelings of self-worth, confidence and courage.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Optical Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/optical-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=52640420723347081341710533088", "chakra": "Third Eye and Lower Chakras", "description": "Optical Calcite amplifies images and helps you see the double meaning behind words. Work with it to cleanse the subtle energetic bodies for gained clarity.
Orange Calcite is a highly energizing and cleansing stone that works on the lower chakras. Work with it to balance your emotions and maximize your potential.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Orange Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/orange-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=167485329369467102571710533088", "chakra": "Lower Chakras", "description": "Orange Calcite is a highly energizing and cleansing stone that works on the lower chakras. Work with it to balance your emotions and maximize your potential.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Pink Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/pink-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=173975438478131838311710533092", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Pink Calcite, also known as Mangano Calcite, is a heart stone chakra that is strongly associated with forgiveness. It releases the fears and grievances that keep the heart trapped in the past, and calls forth unconditional love from the angelic realms.
Work with it to amplify self worth and acceptance, and also to dissolve any resistance associated with healing deep trauma and assault.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Yellow Calcite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/yellow-calcite.static_1200x.jpg?v=180408073040807773001710533122", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Yellow Calcite, also known as Pineapple Calcite, has an expansive energy that stimulates the will and higher mind. Work with it to open and activate your solar plexus and crown chakras.
", "button": "Shop Calcite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/calcite" }, { "title": "Carnelian", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/carnelian.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Carnelian is a grounding stone that anchors you in the present reality. It restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. Work with it to set and fulfill short and long term goals.
Carnelian is a self-compassion stone that helps you to trust yourself and your perceptions. Work with it to overcome abuse and negative conditioning.
", "button": "Shop Carnelian", "buttonUrl": "/collections/carnelian" }, { "title": "Cavansite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/cavansite.static_1200x.jpg?v=57705267746504975831710533036", "chakra": "Sacral and Third Eye Chakras", "description": "Cavansite is a stone of purification and regeneration. It stimulates your spiritual awareness and integrates it with logical thought patterns. Work with it to combine intuition with logic, for clarity around working through problems.
Cavansite is also a stone of optimism and inspiration. Work with it to go deep within, redress destructive behaviour and ingrained thought patterns, and encouraging self-respect.
", "button": "Shop Cavansite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/cavansite" }, { "title": "Celestite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/celestite.static_1200x.jpg?v=177375206011281908221710533037", "chakra": "Throat Chakra and Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Celestite is a high vibration stone that jump-starts spiritual development. Work with it to stimulate clairvoyant communication, for dream recall and to facilitate contact with the angelic realms.
Celestite amplifies peace, promotes purity and truth, and attracts good luck. Work with it to maintain an authentic and harmonious atmosphere in times of distress.
Celestite teaches us to trust in the divine plan unfolding through us. Work with it to activate your Third Eye Chakra, channel powerful messages and gain mental clarity.
", "button": "Shop Celestite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/celestite" }, { "title": "Chalcedony", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/chalcedony.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes good will and enhances group stability. It absorbs and transmutes negative energy, and brings the mind, body and spirit into alignment. Work with it to remove hostility and transform melancholy into joy.
Chalcedony also encourages an open and enthusiastic persona.
", "button": "Shop Chalcedony", "buttonUrl": "/collections/chalcedony" }, { "title": "Chalcopyrite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/chalcopyrite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Chalcopyrite is a powerful energy conducting stone that assists in the assimilation of spiritual knowledge. It helps to show you that property is a state of mind and attracts abundance into your life. Work with it to gain accurate perception and logical thought while listening to your inner voice.
", "button": "Shop Chalcopyrite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/chalcopyrite" }, { "title": "Charoite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/charoite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Charoite is a stone of transformation that invites you to step into your full potential, and stimulates the inner vision and spiritual insight needed to aid you in coping with the change that comes from heading its call. Work with it to access higher states of consciousness.
Charoite is a cleansing stone that synthesizes the heart and crown chakras, stimulating unconditional love and providing deep physical and emotional healing. It helps you overcome resistance and fear, and encourages you to accept the present moment as perfect in itself. Work with it to overcome feelings of alienation, to facilitate acceptance of others and to step into service to other.
", "button": "Shop Charoite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/charoite" }, { "title": "Chrysocolla", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/chrysocolla.static_1200x.jpg?v=134466756837710407311710533038", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Chrysocolla is a stabilizing and sustaining stone that helps you accept constantly changing situations by invoking inner strength and tranquility. It cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras and aligns them with the divine. Work with it to draw out negative emotions from the solar plexus, heal heartache at the heart centre, discern when to stay silent through the throat chakra and for opening your psychic vision at the Third Eye Chakra.
Chrysocolla encourages self awareness and inner balance, imparting confidence and sensitivity, enhancing personal power and inspiring creativity. Work with it to overcome phobias, reduce mental tension, alleviate guilt and amplify joy.
", "button": "Shop Chrysocolla", "buttonUrl": "/collections/chrysocolla" }, { "title": "Chrysoprase", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/chrysoprase.static_1200x.jpg?v=98029996308039352371710533039", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra and Heart Chakra", "description": "Chrysoprase promotes love of truth. It draws out talents and stimulates creativity. Work with it to energize the heart and Sacral Chakras, and for amplifies fidelity in business and personal relationships.
Chrysoprase is a calming stone that opens you up new situations. Work with it to clarify and clear old habits, and to align your ideals with your behaviour.
", "button": "Shop Chrysoprase", "buttonUrl": "/collections/chrysoprase" }, { "title": "Cinnabar", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/cinnabar.static_1200x.jpg?v=179042601373111652131710533039", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Cinnabar is an abundance stone that increases your sales power, by making your outward demeanour aesthetically pleasing and elegant. It also aids in enhancing your persona and changing your image, by investing you with dignity and power. Work with it to release energy blockages for stepping into your abundance.
", "button": "Shop Cinnabar", "buttonUrl": "/collections/cinnabar" }, { "title": "Citrine", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/citrine.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Citrine is an abundance stone that carries and activates the powers of the Sun within you. It’s also a clearing stone that absorbs, transmutes and dissipates negative energy, cleanses the chakras and protects the environment. Work with it to amplify wealth, will power and creativity
Citrine is a warming and happy stone that encourages sharing and self-expression, and promotes enjoyment of new experiences. It removes destructive tendencies and raises your self-esteem and confidence. Work with it to awaken your higher mind and enhance your mental faculty.
", "button": "Shop Citrine", "buttonUrl": "/collections/citrine" }, { "title": "Copper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/copper.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Root/Base And Sacral Chakras", "description": "Copper is a good luck metal that harmonizes the astral and physical bodies. Work with it to align your subtle energetic bodies. It’a a conductor of electrical impulses and magnifies the energy transfer from one being to the next. Work with it to magnify the energy brought forth from healers and plant medicines.
Copper stimulates initiative, optimism and independence. It also activates and opens the Base And Sacral Chakras. Work with it to combat negative emotions of self and for stabilizing your intuitive and sexual energies.
", "button": "Shop Copper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/copper" }, { "title": "Cross Stone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/cross-stone.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Cross Stone, also known as Chiastolite, is a protective stone that wards off ill wishing and curses. It also helps to dispel negative thoughts and feelings from within. Work with it to transform conflict into harmony.
Cross Stone facilitates exploration of immortality and provides answers to mysterious events. It also dissolves illusions and calms fears. Work with it aid in the transition between old and new patterns of thought and feeling.
", "button": "Shop Cross Stone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/cross-stone" }, { "title": "Dumortierite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/dumortierite.static_1200x.jpg?v=149410113797051642761710533042", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Dumortierite makes you more receptive when in contact with your angel and spirit guides, thereby reconnecting you to innate wisdom. It helps you to examine long-held agreements and contracts so that you may break ties with those that no longer serve you. Work with it to identify and release past-life causes of dis-ease.
Dumortierite is a confidence amplifying stone. It calms over-excitability, promotes detachment and opens you up to self-love. Work with it to promote a constructive and youthful attitude towards life.
", "button": "Shop Dumortierite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/dumortierite" }, { "title": "Emerald", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/emerald.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Emerald is a stone of inspiration and infinite patience. Known as the stone of successful love for its ability to bring domestic bliss and loyalty to any union. Work with it to enhance unity and bring balance to your relationships.
Emerald is a heart chakra stone that calms the emotions, fosters intentions and raises your consciousness. Work with it to heal trauma and gain strength of character.
Emerald is also a stone of mental clarity, that inspires inner knowing. It broadens your vision and aids your expression. Work with it to stimulate co-operation and enhance mutual understanding within a group.
", "button": "Shop Emerald", "buttonUrl": "/collections/emerald" }, { "title": "Eudialyte", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/eudialyte.static_1200x.jpg?v=29561013659854217161710533044", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Eudialyte is a heart chakra chakra stone, that opens and links it to the base and earth chakras, thereby aligning the flow of energy for connecting spirit and mind with the emotional body. Work with it to strengthen life force and give rise to kundalini energy.
Eudialyte brings about profound re-orientation, teaches spiritual growth and supports you in ending things with grace. It also amplifies joy and encourages the embrace of the fullness of life. Work with it to step into the life you desire.
Eudialyte facilitates journeying to past lives, promotes self-forgiveness and expedites profound change. It aligns you to your true purpose, instills confidence and helps you step into your personal power. Work with it to amplify gratitude for your gifts and for support in finding an outlet for your creativity.
", "button": "Shop Eudialyte", "buttonUrl": "/collections/eudialyte" }, { "title": "Euphorolite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/euphorolite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Euphorolite is a high vibration stone made up of many different crystals and minerals. It sends empowering waves of euphoria and revitalization throughout the human body, and creates powerful energy currents through your aura and in your environment. Work with it for lucid communication with your higher self.
", "button": "Shop Euphorolite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/euphorolite" }, { "title": "Fluorite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/fluorite.static_1200x.jpg?v=25904262498477164761710533046", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Fluorite is a psychic protection stone, that wards off psychic manipulation and undue mental influence. It also protects from EMF and draws off negative energies and stress. Work with it to help you discern when outside influences are at work within you.
Fluorite is a healing stone that purifies, dispels and re-organizes anything within the body that is not in perfect order. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura and grounds and integrates spiritual energies. Work with its magical properties to heighten your intuitive powers, quicken your spiritual awakening and amplify progress in any areas you seek.
Fluorite is an expansion stone that brings suppressed feelings to the surface and helps you move beyond narrowmindedness. Work with it to increase concentration, balance your emotions and resolve old feelings.
", "button": "Shop Fluorite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/fluorite" }, { "title": "Fuchsite aka Green Muscovite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/fuchsite-aka-green-muscovite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Fuchsite is a channeling stone that accesses knowledge in a practical way. Work with it to receive guidance on health matters and physical well-being.
Fuchsite reverses a tendency toward martyrdom and shows how to be of service without becoming embroiled in power struggles or false humility. Work with it to encourage a sense of detachment towards the lessons of others.
", "button": "Shop Fuchsite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/fuchsite" }, { "title": "Gaia Stone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/gaia-stone.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Earth Star Chakra and Heart Chakra", "description": "Gaia Stone has a profound connection to the divine feminine. Forged from the Volcanic ash from Mount St. Helens, it's an example of the value of spiritual purification through alchemic processes. Work with it to open and unite the earth and heart chakras, for flow and alignment of the energetic body.
Gaia Stone promotes harmony, healing and compassion. It teaches that truth of unity. Work with it to draw out painful wounds and neutralize past trauma.
", "button": "Shop Gaia Stone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/gaia-stone" }, { "title": "Garnet", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/garnet.static_1200x.jpg?v=101464926105172219911710533047", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Worn by the ancients as a protective talisman, Garnet is a stone of power and passion that revitalizes, purifies and balances your energy. Work with it to bring serenity or arousal as appropriate.
Garnet is an energizing and regenerating stone that cleanses and charges the chakras, inspires love and devotion, and stimulates the controlled rise of kundalini energy. Work with it to align your life force energy.
Garnet is useful in crisis, warding off approaching danger and helping in situations where there seems to be now way out. It brings hope, bestows self-confidence and helps you release old behaviours and patterns. Work with it to turn difficulties into challenges and also to promote mutual assistance.
", "button": "Shop Garnet", "buttonUrl": "/collections/garnet" }, { "title": "Gaspeite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/gaspeite.static_1200x.jpg?v=48159932245913103441710533047", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Gaspeite brings strength and fortifies the soul, as the Earth evolves. It facilitates moving through dark and dangerous places, and protects you on your journey.
Gaspeite also shields you against energetic drainage and dissolves negative emotions that perpetuate judgement and resentment. Work with it to open and heal the upper chakras.
", "button": "", "buttonUrl": "" }, { "title": "Goldstone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/goldstone.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Goldstone is the stone of ambition and a symbol of resourcefulness. Work with it to encourage a positive attitude and to enhance your drive for attaining personal goals.
", "button": "Shop Goldstone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/goldstone" }, { "title": "Halite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/halite.static_1200x.jpg?v=9225973165195925331710533050", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Halite is a purifying crystal. it stimulates spiritual discernment and multi-dimensional evolution. Work with it to draw out impurities lodged in your soul or etheric bodies.
Halite assists in harnessing your will to the guidance of your Higher Self. Work with it to dissolve old patterns, negative thoughts and ingrained feelings that stand in the way of communion with your higher purpose.
Halite also grounds the healing properties of other crystals and may be used to stimulate the meridian points in the body.
", "button": "Shop Halite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/halite" }, { "title": "Healer S Gold", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/healer-s-gold.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Healer's Gold has an extremely similar energy to Lemurian Jade.
It's an ideal stone for working at the intersection of the body and higher consciousness. It helps to keep the boundaries between the two strong while also facilitating an understanding of what's going on for both sides. Work with it to deepen your connection with the earth and other grounding allies, as you journey through higher dimensions.
It's healing powers work on abuse of all kinds. It stabilizes emotions, opens the heart and instills a sense of gratitude. Work with it to exchange your 'poor-me' syndrome for joyful abundance.
", "button": "Shop Healer's Gold", "buttonUrl": "/collections/healers-gold" }, { "title": "Hematite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/hematite.static_1200x.jpg?v=7160443354937635861710533050", "chakra": "Lower Chakras", "description": "Hematite is a grounding and protection stone. It balances the meridians, dissolves negativity and restores balance and harmony to the physical body. Work with it to shield your aura.
Hematite boosts self-esteem and survivability, enhances will power and reliability and imparts confidence. It also helps you come to terms with ‘mistake'.
", "button": "Shop Hematite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/hematite" }, { "title": "Hemimorphite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/hemimorphite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Hemimorphite is a protective stone, particularly against malicious thoughts and manipulation. It helps with raising your vibration on the physical and subtle (the auric field) level. Work with it to open the gateways of communication with higher realms and multi-dimensions.
Not for the light-hearted, Hemimorphite promotes self-development in a swift motion, making it challenging on the bearer. It insists on personal accountability, links you to your higher self and teaches you the power you possess to create your reality. Work with it to release external influences that don't align with your soul plan.
Hemimorphite is also a stone of social responsibility. It helps you develop inner strength and facilitates excitement and commitment for following through on projects, to completion. Work with it to set and attain realistic goals for the greatest good of all, while also staying detached from the results.
", "button": "Shop Hemimorphite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/hemimorphite" }, { "title": "Herkimer Diamond", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/herkimer-diamond.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Herkimer Diamond is an energizing stone that promotes creativity. It stimulates pyschic abilities, spiritual vision and telepathy by linking into guidance from higher dimensions. Work with it to stimulate conscious attunement and align with your highest potential.
Herkimer Diamond clears the chakras and opens channels for spiritual energy to flow freely. Work with it to recognize and transmute blockages and resistance to spiritual growth.
Herkimer Diamond also stores information for retrieval at a later time, and in this way can be programmed for others to draw information out from it. Work with it to impart healing unto others.
", "button": "Shop Herkimer Diamond", "buttonUrl": "/collections/herkimer-diamond" }, { "title": "Howlite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/howlite.static_1200x.jpg?v=167405103586403330921710533053", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Howlite is an extremely calming stone that links to the spiritual dimensions. It opens attunement and prepares the mind to receive wisdom and insights. Work with it to open and activate your Third Eye Chakra.
Howlite formulates ambitions and assists with achieving them. It amplifies patience and eliminates anger. Work with it to absorb your own anger and also any anger directed at you from others.
Work with Howlite to calm turbulent emotions carried from past life trauma, so that you may release the strings that tie them to this trauma.
", "button": "Shop Howlite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/howlite" }, { "title": "Iolite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/iolite.static_1200x.jpg?v=4951562974625362501710533062", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Iolite is a vision stone that activates the third-eye to facilitate intuitive insight. Work with it to connect with your inner knowing.
Iolite aids in understanding and releasing the expectations of others. Work with it to clear your thought forms and support you in the expression of your true self.
", "button": "Shop Iolite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/iolite" }, { "title": "Jade", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/jade.static_1200x.jpg?v=146028169206943901591710533063", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Jade is a heart chakra stone that increases love and nurturing. Work with it for emotional release and ascension.
Jade stabilizes the personality and integrates the mind-body. Work with it to recognize yourself as a spiritual being and to awaken your hidden knowledge.
", "button": "Shop Jade", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jade" }, { "title": "Burmese Jade", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/burmese-jade.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Burmese Jade symbolizes peace and reflection and is the stone of slow and steady progress. Work with it to accept that which is not in your control, and bring inner serenity.
", "button": "Shop Jade", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jade" }, { "title": "Jade Nephrite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/jade-nephrite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Jade Nephrite channels passion in constructive ways. Work with it to harmonize dysfunctional relationships.
", "button": "Shop Jade", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jade" }, { "title": "Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/jasper.static_1200x.jpg?v=94247717201402628971710533063", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Jasper is a supreme nurturer stone that unifies all aspects of your life to bring tranquility and wholeness. Work with it to align the chakras.
Jasper is a protective stone that shields from electromagnetic frequencies and environmental smog. It imparts determination and amplifies courage. Work with it to address conflict with assertiveness.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Bloodstone aka Dragonblood Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/bloodstone-aka-dragonblood-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Bloodstone is a powerful healing stone with mystical and magical properties that work to banish evil, direct spiritual energies and stimulate dreaming. Work with it to guard your aura, heighten your intuitive powers and bring spirituality into your daily life.
Bloodstone also gives courage and encourages flexibility. Work with it for adjusting to unaccustomed circumstances.
Bloodstone is a heart chakra stone that grounds the heart energy. Work with it to reduce irritability, aggressiveness and impatience.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Brown Leaf Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/brown-leaf-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Base Chakra", "description": "Brown Leaf Jasper brings connection with the natural world, helping you to relax and reconnect with Gaia for grounding and security. Work with it to bring forth the energy you need to move comfortably and with confidence.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Bumblebee Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/bumblebee-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?v=114896682485800816391710533034", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Bumblebee Jasper is stone of adventure that enhances assertiveness, courage and concentration. Work with it to search out new opportunities or to make new discoveries in familiar places.
Bumblebee Jasper activates your gut neurons and sacral and solar plexus chakras, freeing up any blocked energies and connecting you with your intuition guides. Work with it to move away from relying solely on your emotions.
Bumblebee Jasper's high vibration enables you to accept change. Work with it to amplify the positive aspects of an energetic ending.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Green Kambaba Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/green-kambaba-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Green Kambaba Jasper is a balancing stone that stimulates your heart chakra. Work with it to release obsession and programs that have become all-important to you, at the detriment of others.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Imperial Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/imperial-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Imperial Jasper ends suffering, reveals the pure state of spiritualism and personifies your journey towards Spirit. Work with it to help you in the actualization of a soulful existence.
Imperial Jasper helps alleviate your insecurities and reminds you of your divine and perfect mental and emotional bodies. Work with it stabilize your mind-body and gain access to your unique abilities.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Mookaite aka Australian Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/mookaite-aka-australian-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Mookaite is Australian Jasper. It provides a useful balance between inner and outer experiences and imparts both a desire for new experiences and a deep calm from which to face them.
Breciated Mookaite {LOWER CHAKRAS} is Australian Jasper veined with Hematite. It’s excellent for grounding and emotional stability, as well as mental clarity.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Ocean Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/ocean-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?v=76913572612607846351710533077", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Ocean Jasper is a healing stone that encourages joy and optimism. It helps you release negative feelings and supports you in expressing yourself with love. Work with it to connect with your highest self, amplify confidence and enhance your personal power.
Ocean Jasper opens your heart and lifts your spirits. It invites you to re-evaluate what you’ve previous judged as ‘bad’ or ‘negative’ in a new light. Work with it to expand your perspective and amplify compassion.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Red Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/red-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?v=100922376767967702841710533099", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Red Jasper is slow stimulating base chakra stone. It grounds energies and brings problems to surface. Work with it to gain insight into difficult situations and also to change them.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Silver Leaf Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/silver-leaf-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?v=127283406245037537961710533107", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra", "description": "Silver Leaf Jasper promotes balance and amplifies your will to succeed. Work with it to bring discipline into your life.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Snakeskin Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/snakeskin-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?v=74240271153152499901710533110", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Snakeskin Jasper is a protective stone that cleanses your environment and shields you against negativity of all kind - psychic and projected. It’s a calming stone that alleviates stress and anxiety, and opens you up to valuable insights. Work with it to get through difficult times.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Zebra Jasper", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/zebra-jasper.static_1200x.jpg?v=64677660908131284451710533123", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Zebra Jasper is an ‘anti-apathy stone’ that holds the energies of balance. It also balances the chakras, and aligns the physical, intellectual, emotional and etheric bodies. Zebra Jasper is also a grounding stone that helps you tune into Mother Earth and find joy in your surroundings. Work with it to amplify optimism and enhance motivation.
", "button": "Shop Jasper", "buttonUrl": "/collections/jasper" }, { "title": "Kunzite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/kunzite.static_1200x.jpg?v=149324411283511146711710533065", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Kunzite is an extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration that awakens the heart centre and unconditional love. It’s a stone of centred peace. Work with it to induce loving thoughts and communications, and for reaching deep states in meditation.
Kunzite is a protective stone with the power to dispel negativity and shield the aura from unwanted energies. In this way, it strengthens the energy field around the body.
Kunzite may also improve your communication skills, encouraging you to express your feelings freely. It’s deep healing properties also assist you in recovering memories that have been blocked and need addressing. Work with it to improve self-tolerance and reduce self-related anxiety.
", "button": "Shop Kunzite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/kunzite" }, { "title": "Kyanite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/kyanite.static_1200x.jpg?v=19872516191980079571710533065", "chakra": "Throat Chakra", "description": "Kyanite is a powerful attunement stone that transmits, amplifies and stimulates high frequency energy. Work with it to connect to spirit guides and instil compassion.
Kyanite amplifies spiritual integrity and promotes healing. It aligns the chakras and clears the meridians. Work with it to bring life force energy back to your physical body.
Kyanite opens and activates the throat chakra. Work with it to cut through ignorance and encourage self-expression and communication.
Kyanite is one of the rare stones that does not require clearing. Work with it to stimulate the higher mind and detach from the idea of blind fate and impeccable karma.
Paraiba Kyanite is a high vibration form of Kyanite.
", "button": "Shop Kyanite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/kyanite" }, { "title": "Black Kyanite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/black-kyanite.static_1200x.jpg?v=157839407710973026061710533031", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Black kyanite works to ground your body when aligning the chakras. Work with it during or after meditation.
Parabais Kyanite is a higher vibration form of Kyanite.
", "button": "Shop Kyanite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/kyanite" }, { "title": "Black kyanite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/black-kyanite.static_1200x.jpg?v=157839407710973026061710533031", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Black Kyanite works to ground your body when aligning the chakras. Work with it during or after meditation.
", "button": "Shop Kyanite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/kyanite" }, { "title": "K 2 Stone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/k-2-stone.static_1200x.jpg?v=38410681158390963701710533064", "chakra": "BASE & Third Eye ChakraS", "description": "K-2 Stone is a combination of Azurite and Granite, the K-2 stone works on your base and Third Eye Chakras to balance your earthly experience while tapping you into higher states of consciousness.
", "button": "Shop K-2 Stone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/k-2stone" }, { "title": "Labradorite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/labradorite.static_1200x.jpg?v=41544003434216656431710533065", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Labradorite is a bringer of light. It’s mystical properties align your physical and etheric bodies by raising your consciousness and grounding it into your physical self. Work with it to deflect unwanted frequencies from entering your auric field and also to prevent energy leakage during healing work.
Labradorite connects you to universal energies, activates your higher heart chakra and facilitates initiation into the mysteries. Work with it to dispel illusion and reveal the true intention behind your thoughts and actions.
Labradorite’s powerful healing properties banish fears and insecurities from this and past lives, strengthen your faith in self and your trust in the universe. Work with it to cleanse your aura from others people’s projections.
", "button": "Shop Labradorite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/labradorite" }, { "title": "Lapis Lazuli", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/lapis-lazuli.static_1200x.jpg?v=122303215479654286701710533066", "chakra": "Throat Chakra", "description": "Lapis Lazuli opens the Third Eye Chakra to stimulate enlightenment and enhance dream work. Work with it to facilitate spiritual journeying. Lapis Lazuli also balances the throat chakra to stimulate personal and spiritual power, and its expression.
Work with it to bring deep peace and inner self knowing.
Lapis Lazuli is a protective stone that recognize and blocks psychic attack. Work with it to harmonize your multidimensional state of being - the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Lapis Lazuli brings objectivity and clarity where there was once confusion. It also supports self-expression. Work with it to encourage self awareness and release repressed anger.
Lapis Lazuli works to bond relationships with love and friendship, aiding in the dissolving of emotional bondage.
", "button": "Shop Lapis Lazuli", "buttonUrl": "/collections/lapis-lazuli" }, { "title": "Larimar", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/larimar.static_1200x.jpg?v=110144096522084849131710533066", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Larimar is a spirit stone that opens a portal to new dimensions and stimulates the evolution of Mother Earth. It radiates love and peace, and naturally raises consciousness. Work with it to harmonize the body and soul to new vibrations.
Larimar dissolves boundaries that constrain the spiritual self, facilitates angelic contact and encourages the healing of past-life relationships and heart trauma. It’s particularly powerful at dissolving self-sabotaging behaviour, alleviating guilt and removing fear. Work with it to strengthen your equanimity and for serenity, clarity and constructive thought.
", "button": "Shop Larimar", "buttonUrl": "/collections/larimar" }, { "title": "Lava Stone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/lava-stone.static_1200x.jpg?v=54308354565276506431710533066", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Lava Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens your connection to the earth. It’s a calming stone that that provides guidance during periods of change. Work with it to support you in undertaking minor and major changes in life.
Lava stone stabilizes and anchors the root chakra, bringing forth a heightened sense of safety and security. It dissipates anger and other emotions grounded in anxiety. Work with it to maneuver through and shift negative behavioural tendencies.
", "button": "Shop Lava Stone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/lava-stone" }, { "title": "Lepidocrosite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/lepidocrosite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Lepidocrosite helps you deepen into your intuition and connects it to your practical mind. It aligns and stimulates all the chakras and cleanses the biomagnetic sheath.
Lepidocrosite is also a teachers stone, enabling the art of observing without judgment and strengthening your ability to empower others without entering into power struggles.
", "button": "Shop Lepidocrosite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/LEPIDOCROSITE" }, { "title": "Lepidolite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/lepidolite.static_1200x.jpg?v=128634729297293974091710533068", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Lepidolite is a high vibration stone that dissipates negativity for the highest good of all. It activates and opens the upper chakras, clears blockages and brings cosmic awareness. Work with it to tune into feelings and blockages from past lives.
Lepidolite halts obsessive thinking and reduces stress. Work with it to stabilize your mood and to overcome your emotional dependencies.
Also known as the stone of change, Lepidolite helps you organize and release old programs, and encourages self-sovereignty. Work with it to achieve goals and reach milestones on your own terms.
", "button": "Shop Lepidolite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/lepidolite" }, { "title": "Malachite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/malachite.static_1200x.jpg?v=80572047497225441401710533073", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Malachite is an evolving stone that amplifies positive and negative energies. As such it should be cleansed regularly to keep it activated. Malachite absorbs radiation, clears electromagnetic pollution and heals the Earth with its powerful ability to ground spiritual energies onto the planet.
Work with it to clear and activate your chakras and for attuning you to spiritual guidance.
Malachite assists with receiving insights from the subconscious. It encourages risk taking, draws out deep feelings and shatters outworn patterns. Work with it to release old programs that no longer serve your spiritual growth.
", "button": "Shop Malachite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/malachite" }, { "title": "Merlinite aka Psilomelane", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/merlinite-aka-psilomelane.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Merlinite holds the wisdom of the Shamans, Alchemists and Magician-Priests, and offers their magic. Work with it to call forth powerful change.
Merlinite is a balancing stone that works with the complementary properties of yin/yang, conscious/unconscious, intellectual/intuitive and masculine/feminine energies to blend spiritual and earthly vibrations into the body and environment. It supports you in reframining beliefs and vows that create blockages. Work with it for coming to terms with negative experiences.
", "button": "Shop Merlinite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/merlinite" }, { "title": "Moonstone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/moonstone.static_1200x.jpg?v=120536188872200041441710533074", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra", "description": "Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. It’s strongly connected to the moon and to intuition. Work with it to make the unconscious conscious and to promote empathy and lucid dreaming.
Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive and feminine energies that aid men or overly aggressive women who seek to get in touch with their feminine side. Work with it to stabilize your emotions and balance your hormonal system.
Worn as jewelry, Moonstone has the power to provide deep healing and encourage acceptance of your psychic gifts.
", "button": "Shop Moonstone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/moonstone" }, { "title": "Rainbow Moonstone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/rainbow-moonstone.static_1200x.jpg?v=56278915815853812561710533097", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Rainbow Moonstone carries the vibration of cosmic light and offers spiritual healing for the human collective. Work with it to remember your part in the ongoing, ever-unfolding cycle.
Rainbow Moonstone opens you to the unseen and taps you into your spiritual gifts. Work with it to increase your intuitive ability to read symbols and see synchronicities.
", "button": "Shop Moonstone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/moonstone" }, { "title": "Morganite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/morganite.static_1200x.jpg?v=76407734065336930371710533074", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Morganite is associated with innocence, sweetness, romance and love. It’s a heart chakra stone believed to bring heart healing and amplify compassion for those who yield it. Work with it to strengthen the energy field around your physical heart for an establishing its place of dominance in your aura.
Morganite helps you overcome fear, resentment an anger. It supports you in recognizing un-fulfilled emotional needs and reveals defence mechanisms that are not serving you. Work with it for deep heart chakra healing and for grounding thoughts and actions in love.
", "button": "Shop Morganite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/morganite" }, { "title": "Mother Of Pearl", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/mother-of-pearl.static_1200x.jpg?v=40469113153822747491710533075", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Mother of Pearl is a calming stone that attunes you to the ebb and flow of life. Work with it to promote faith, charity and integrity in your day to day affairs.
", "button": "Shop Mother of Pearl", "buttonUrl": "/collections/mother-of-pearl" }, { "title": "Green Muscovite aka Fuchsite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/green-muscovite-aka-fuchsite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Fuchsite is a channeling stone that accesses knowledge in a practical way. Work with it to receive guidance on health matters and physical well-being.
Fuchsite reverses a tendency toward martyrdom and shows how to be of service without becoming embroiled in power struggles or false humility. Work with it to encourage a sense of detachment towards the lessons of others.
", "button": "Shop Green Muscovite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/fuchsite" }, { "title": "Nuumite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/nuumite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Nuumite is a powerful stone that guards against ill wishing and psychic manipulation. Work with it to strengthen the auric shield and guard against negative sorcery.
Nuumite is a deep shadow work stone that facilitates lower world journeys for retrieval of a lost soul or child part. Work with it to bring about a profound shift in consciousness.
Nuumite assists in recognizing past-life contracts and highlights debts stemming from misuse of power. Work with it to restore energy depleted by karmic debts and to clear blockages including those that are self-imposed.
Nuumite is a cord-cutting stone that liberates your from the manipulation of others, and encourages you to take full responsibility for your protection and healing. Work with it to connect with your true self and obligations.
", "button": "Shop Nuumite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/nuumite" }, { "title": "Obsidian", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/obsidian.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Obsidian works fast and with extreme effectiveness at pointing out how to ameliorate all destructive and disempowering conditions. It is a powerful growth facilitator that provides us with protection when doing so.
Obsidian may bring negative emotions and unpleasant truths from this and past lives to the surface, in order to facilitate deep soul healing. It simultaneously connects your base chakra to the centre of the earth to strengthen you in times of need. Work with it for grounding and protection during deep shadow work.
This stone has the power to facilitate integration of your psychological shadow into the whole to bring you spiritual integrity and anchor spirit into your body. It will stimulate growth on all levels.
", "button": "Shop Obsidian", "buttonUrl": "/collections/obsidian" }, { "title": "Black Obsidian", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/black-obsidian.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Black Obsidian is a psychic protection stone made from volcanic glass. It grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane. Work with it to gain an increased sense of self-control.
Black Obsidian takes you deep into the subconscious to bring imbalances and shadow qualities to the surface. Work with it to highlight and magnify negative energies so that they can be fully experienced and released.
", "button": "Shop Obsidian", "buttonUrl": "/collections/obsidian" }, { "title": "Gold Sheen Obsidian", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/gold-sheen-obsidian.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Gold Sheen Obsidian is particularly effective for getting deep into the core of a problem to show what needs healing. Work with it to eliminate ego-conflict and gain knowledge of spiritual direction.
", "button": "Shop Obsidian", "buttonUrl": "/collections/obsidian" }, { "title": "Mahogany Obsidian", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/mahogany-obsidian.static_1200x.jpg?v=106686183962704021191710533072", "chakra": "Base Chakra", "description": "Mahogany Obsidian is Obsidian with Hematite inclusions and possesses the properties of both stones.
", "button": "Shop Obsidian", "buttonUrl": "/collections/obsidian" }, { "title": "Rainbow Obsidian", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/rainbow-obsidian.static_1200x.jpg?v=114111529834041418411710533097", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Rainbow Obsidian is a gentler obsidian with strong protective properties. Work with it to learn about your spiritual nature. Rainbow Obsidian cuts the cords of old love and releases hooks from your heart. Work with it to replenish your heart energy.
", "button": "Shop Obsidian", "buttonUrl": "/collections/obsidian" }, { "title": "Snowflake Obsidian", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/snowflake-obsidian.static_1200x.jpg?v=182808076570235843171710533110", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Snowflake Obsidian calms and soothes before bringing your attention to ingrained patterns of behaviour. Work with it to recognize and release negative thinking and stressful mental programs.
", "button": "Shop Obsidian", "buttonUrl": "/collections/obsidian" }, { "title": "Black Onyx", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/black-onyx.static_1200x.jpg?v=169039995954965867871710533031", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Black Onyx is a strength giving stone that promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina, and provides support in difficult and confusing circumstances. Onyx connects you to the whole, centres your energy and aligns you with higher guidance.
Work with it to recognize and integrate dualities within your self and also to facilitate being the master of your own destiny.
", "button": "Shop Onyx", "buttonUrl": "/collections/onyx" }, { "title": "Opal", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/opal.static_1200x.jpg?v=48406037563268693881710533078", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Opal is a delicate stone that enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystic visions. It amplifies traits and characteristics and enhances self-worth. Work with it to understand and express your full potential.
Opal is an absorbent and reflection stone that stimulates originality and dynamic creativity. It encourages interest in the arts. Work with it to amplify and channel creativity.
Opal is the stone of love, desire and eroticism. It intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Work with it to express your passions freely and unapologetically.
", "button": "Shop Opal", "buttonUrl": "/collections/opal" }, { "title": "Green Opal", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/green-opal.static_1200x.jpg?v=149988762798380127011710533049", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Green Opal is a cleansing and rejuvenating heart chakra stone. It promotes emotional recovery and aids relationships. Work with its ability to filter information and reorient the mind, to bring about a spiritual perspective.
", "button": "Shop Opal", "buttonUrl": "/collections/opal" }, { "title": "Pink Opal", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/pink-opal.static_1200x.jpg?v=163689799529936202151710533093", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Pink Opal is a heart chakra stone that activates and opens the heart. Work with it to move through heartache and strengthen your connection with self.
", "button": "Shop Opal", "buttonUrl": "/collections/opal" }, { "title": "Purple Opal aka Tiffany Stone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/purple-opal-aka-tiffany-stone.static_1200x.jpg?v=4355041104764849891710533094", "chakra": "Heart Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Purple Opal is also known as Tiffany Stone.
Tiffany Stone is a rare and complex gemstone that enhances intuition and metaphysical gifts. It's an upper crown chakras stone that connects you to higher dimensions and guidance. Work with it to interpret channeled materials and integrate the light-body into the physical realm.
Tiffany Stone encourages becoming more open and receptive. It fills the heart and upper heart chakras with unconditional love. Work with it to amplify persistence towards following your soul's path.
", "button": "Shop Opal", "buttonUrl": "/collections/opal" }, { "title": "Yellow Opal", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/yellow-opal.static_1200x.jpg?v=88686034421956808471710533123", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra", "description": "Yellow Opal is amplifying stone not recommended for those feeling down on energy. Work with it when you’re motivated and feeling good about life.
Yellow Opal is a stone of emotional stability and enhanced psychic ability. Work with it to reinforce positive thinking and for tapping into divine creativity.
", "button": "Shop Opal", "buttonUrl": "/collections/opal" }, { "title": "Orange River Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/orange-river-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=137825994756557606971710533088", "chakra": "Base And Sacral Chakras", "description": "Orange River Quartz is an energizing stone that helps restore vitality to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. Work with it to recharge your energy and spiritual will to know your life’s purpose.
Orange River Quartz also supports personal expansion and enhanced awareness, facilitating loving relationships in your life. Work with it to open your capacity to gift and receive pleasure.
", "button": "Shop Orange River Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/orange-river-quartz" }, { "title": "Peanut Wood", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/peanut-wood.static_1200x.jpg?v=25839967050211953871710533089", "chakra": "Base Chakra", "description": "Peanut Wood is an Australian fossilized wood that grounds energy into your physical body, anchoring you to the Earth. Work with it for healing trauma and going to your soul’s roots.
", "button": "Shop Peanut Wood", "buttonUrl": "/collections/peanut-wood" }, { "title": "Peridot", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/peridot.static_1200x.jpg?v=39510217099081158501710533090", "chakra": "Solar Plexus of Heart Chakras", "description": "Peridot {Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras} is a protective and cleansing stone that helps you release and neutralize toxins on all levels. Work with it to purify the energetic, mental and physical bodies.
Peridot is a healing stone that assists in the release of old programs, burdens, guilts and obsessions. Work with it to detach from people, places and things, and for encouragement to turn within for higher guidance.
Peridot increases motivation towards spiritual growth and helps to bring about the necessary change for fulfilling that path. Work with it for self-forgiveness and to see the gifts from your past experiences.
", "button": "Shop Peridot", "buttonUrl": "/collections/peridot" }, { "title": "Pietersite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/pietersite.static_1200x.jpg?v=91489955529922761461710533091", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Pietersite is a stone that links everyday consciousness to the spiritual, reminding you that you are a spiritual being on a human journey. Ideal for shamanic journeying, this stone works to help you access very high states of altered awareness. Work with it to stimulate your Third Eye Chakra and pineal gland, and for accessing your intuition and reading the Akashic Record.
Pietersite will dispel the illusion of separateness and remove beliefs imposed on you by others. It links you to the source of your inner guidance and helps you to recognize the truth or falsehood behind the words of others. Work with it to clear confusion and lift the dis-ease caused by false beliefs and conditionings.
", "button": "Shop Pietersite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/pietersite" }, { "title": "Phosphosiderite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/phosphosiderite.static_1200x.jpg?v=120733077295831498121710533091", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Phosphosiderite is a powerful and energizing stone that open the higher chakras for the assimilation of higher vibration energy. Work with it to access the Akashic Records and for objectively viewing past life dramas, without getting emotionally caught up in them.
", "button": "Shop Phosphosiderite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/phosphosiderite" }, { "title": "Prehnite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/prehnite.static_1200x.jpg?v=171726310122981425171710533094", "chakra": "Heart and Third Eye", "description": "Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love. A healer of healers, it enhances the visualization process and induces deep states of meditation. Work with it to connect to your higher self and other spirit guides.
Prehnite enhances inner knowing, attunes you to divine energy and highlights your path to spiritual growth. Work with it to calm your environment and call forth peace and protection.
Work with Prehnite to alleviate nightmares, phobias and deep fears, and also for uncovering and addressing the dis-ease that causes them.
", "button": "Shop Prehnite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/prehnite" }, { "title": "Psilomelane aka Merlinite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/psilomelane-aka-merlinite.static_1200x.jpg?v=107099758065471145541710533094", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Psilomelane, AKA Merlinite, holds the wisdom of the Shamans, Alchemists and Magician-Priests, and offers their magic. Work with it to call forth powerful change.
Psilomelane is a balancing stone that works with the complementary properties of yin/yang, conscious/unconscious, intellectual/intuitive and masculine/feminine energies to blend spiritual and earthly vibrations into the body and environment. It supports you in reframining beliefs and vows that create blockages. Work with it for coming to terms with negative experiences.
", "button": "Shop Psilomelane", "buttonUrl": "/collections/merlinite" }, { "title": "Pyrite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/pyrite.static_1200x.jpg?v=111592397579248592291710533096", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra", "description": "Pyrite is a protective stone that activates the Sacral Chakra and imparts an immediate increase in vitality. Work with it to amplify will power and assist in the creation of new and positive patterns of operation.
It stimulates creativity and feeds ambition, commitment and persistence. Work with it to support the completion of long-standing tasks and responsibilities.
", "button": "Shop Pyrite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/pyrite" }, { "title": "Purpurite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/purpurite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Higher Crown Chakras", "description": "Purpurite is a powerful psychic protection stone that stimulates enlightenment by opening the higher crown chakras and linking them to the base chakra. In this way, it grounds spiritual evolution into the tangible reality.
Purpurite is also a powerful organization stone that helps you break old and outworn attitudes and habits, by increasing alertness and receptivity to higher guidance and new ideas.
", "button": "Shop Purpurite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/purpurite" }, { "title": "Cherry Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/cherry-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=48634261601203796801710533037", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Cherry Quartz is a high vibration mix of Clear, Rose and Smokey Quartz.
", "button": "Shop Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Clear Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/clear-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=14755472859662452421710533040", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifying stone on the planet. Work with it to absorb, store, unblock, release and regulate energy.
Clear Quartz raises your energy to its highest possible level, enhances your psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. It also helps you focus and fulfill that purpose. Work with it to increase concentration and for the preservation of your energy.
", "button": "Shop Clear Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/clear-quartz" }, { "title": "Elestial Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/elestial-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=101141759758339723661710533042", "chakra": "Soul Star Chakra", "description": "Elestial Quartz is a soul star chakra stone that links you to the divine and higher planes, and taps you into your metaphysical gifts.
Work with it to connect to your soul’s path and step into your spiritual evolution.
", "button": "Shop Elestial Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Smokey Elestial Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/smokey-elestial-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=43083876024617726801710533109", "chakra": "Earth Start and Base/Root Chakras", "description": "Smokey Elestial Quartz is a purifying stone that pulls negative energy out of your self or environment, replacing it with protective vibrant light.
Work with it to create a safe space, draw out past life and ancestral trauma, heal your etheric blueprint and to attain a greater appreciation of the gift that lies beyond your experience.
", "button": "Shop Smokey Elestial Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Gold Rutilated Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/gold-rutilated-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=140986509095280599801710533048", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Gold Rutilated Quartz is a powerful integrator of energy with a perfect balance of cosmic light. Work with it to illuminate the soul and for cleansing and energizing your aura.
Gold Rutilated Quartz draws off negative energy and breaks down your barriers to spiritual growth. Work with it to release the past and connect with your higher guides.
Gold Rutilated Quartz is the ideal stone to work with on your healing journey, and is particularly powerful at supporting you with shadow work and on your past life regression journey. Work with it to encourage insights and shift old perspectives that no longer serve you.
", "button": "Shop Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Himalayan Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/himalayan-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=104562991433128758131710533052", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Himalayan Quartz carry the energy of the shamanic healers that have lived in the Himalayan mountain regions for centuries. This makes them powerful conductors of a clear connection to higher guidance. Work with it to stimulate the Third Eye Chakra and enhance your psychic vision.
Himalayan Quartz enables healing by giving us access to the teachings of the shamans who’s energies are stored in it. Work with it to bring healing lessons to surface.
", "button": "Shop Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Lemurian Seed Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/lemurian-seed-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=42261878139119118801710533067", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "The perfect tool for lightworkers, Lemurian Seed Quartz reminds us of our evolution and helps us to facilitate the same for others.
Lemurians hold the blessing of unconditional love for the earth as we enter into a profound vibrational shift, and this stone is infused with those blessings.
It offers us the power to access inner and multidimensional states of being, thereby teaching us of our multidimensional existence. It reminds us that healing is the remembrance of self as non-separate and helps us to move beyond time into All That Is.
It helps us to connect with the angelic realms, for calling forth ancient wisdom into the present.
Work with Lemurian Seed Quartz to clear and balance the chakras, for removing karmic debris and to activate the higher resonances of each chakra for integration with your light body.
Work with it to facilitate deep communication between physical and subtle levels of being and to ground vibrational shifts into the physical plane.
", "button": "Shop Lemurian Seed Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/lemurian-seed-quartz" }, { "title": "Phantom Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/phantom-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=126682101629772953481710533090", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Phantom Quartz symbolizes universal awareness. It activates healing abilities for individuals and the planet. Work with it to access the Akashic Record and for recovering past memories to put the past into context.
", "button": "Shop Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Rainbow Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/rainbow-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=25349691797459373831710533098", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Rainbow Quartz hosts all the colours of the rainbow in its composition. It activates all the chakras. Work with it to align with your lightbody and manifest true intentions.
", "button": "Shop Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Rooster Tail Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/rooster-tail-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=101154413630388248641710533101", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Rooster Tail Quartz helps balance the energies of your mind, body and spirit, and promotes brotherhood, good will and generosity. Work with it to balance your emotions and for finding common co-operation between groups and individuals.
", "button": "Shop Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Rose Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/rose-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=131188194015179180201710533102", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the queen of heart chakra crystals because it teaches the true essence of love. Work with it to purify and open the heart at all levels.
Rose Quartz is calming and reassuring. Work with it to amplify feelings of self love and compassion, and also for drawing in romantic love. In existing relationships, it will restore trust and harmony.
Rose Quartz aids in the acceptance of necessary change. Work with it to transmute emotions that no longer serve your highest good or the highest good of your relationships.
", "button": "Shop Rose Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/rose-quartz" }, { "title": "Shaman Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/shaman-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=67712879507128969221710533106", "chakra": "All Chakra", "description": "Shaman Quartz, aka Chlorite Shaman Quartz, is a clear crystal filled with stunning mineral inclusions, known for its ability to clear cellular memories and ancestral lines. Work with it to self-realize and release regret.
It’s a shamanic journeying stone that supports communication with the spirit realm and has a strong connection to the earth. Work with it to induce multidimensional healing and ascension.
Shaman Quartz is also a protective stone, absorbing negative energy on the physical and etheric planes. Work with it to remove energy implants and guard your subtle energy body.
", "button": "Shop Shaman Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Smokey Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/smokey-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=116814452435048402051710533109", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Smokey Quartz is a powerful grounding and anchoring stone with a link to the base and earth chakras. It neutralizes negative vibrations and assists with tolerating difficult times with fortitude and strength.
Smokey Quartz relieves fear and brings emotional calmness, helping us to transcend the things that no longer serve us. It aids acceptance of the physical body and sexual nature, enhancing virility.
Smokey Quartz offers clear insights, promotes concentration and enhances communication. It's a powerful stone for moving between alpha and beta states of mind, clearing your mind for meditation.
", "button": "Shop Smokey Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/smokey-quartz" }, { "title": "Graphic Feldspar Smokey Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/graphic-feldspar-smokey-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra and Heart Chakra", "description": "Graphic Feldspar Smokey Quartz is the result of compressing Smokey Quartz into a Feldspar matrix. Together Feldspar grounds you and Smokey Quartz purifies your energy and opens your metaphysical abilities. Work with it to get grounded in the here and now, while exploring past lives and multi-dimensions.
Graphic Feldspar Smokey Quartz instils peace and is helpful for overcoming trauma and tragedy. Work with it to lower your psychological barriers and to trust others again.
", "button": "Shop Graphic Feldspar", "buttonUrl": "/collections/graphic-feldspar" }, { "title": "Spirit Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/spirit-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=22589026882174733131710533111", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Spirit Quartz is a high vibration form of Quartz that radiates energy in all directions and into multi-dimensions. it carries the gifts of the spirit and enhances metaphysical abilities. Work with it to heal and re-program on a cellular level.
Spirit Quartz is a Crown Chakra stone that aligns and purifies the entire chakra system. It activates the lightbody and encourages insightful dreaming. Work with it to access universal love and promote self-forgiveness.
Spirit Quartz balances the masculine and feminine within and facilitates the transition between brainwave states. Work with it for heightened awareness and psychic perception, and also to move into a deep state of tranquility.
", "button": "Shop Spirit Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/spirit-quartz" }, { "title": "Tourmalinated Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/tourmalinated-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?v=3517033710411549221710533118", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Tourmalinated Quartz is an effective grounding stone that strengthens the body's energy field against external invasion. Work with it to deflect detrimental environmental influences.
Tourmalinated Quartz also works from within, dissolving patters and releasing tension on all levels. Work with it to harmonize polarities and transmute negative energies into positive ones.
", "button": "Shop Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Watermelon Quartz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/watermelon-quartz.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Watermelon Quartz is a heart chakra stone that instils patience and promotes inner security. It assists with understanding situations and expressing intentions clearly. Work with it to release tensions and old pains from the heart chakra.
", "button": "Shop Quartz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/quartz" }, { "title": "Red Coral", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/red-coral.static_1200x.jpg?v=86168631964561062301710533099", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Red Coral is a mind strengthening stone that gives you the courage to face your challenges and imparts you with the will to win your battles. It’s a leadership stone that enhances creativity for the development of something new.
Red Coral is also a lovers stone. It helps to increase your attractiveness and brings passion to your relationships.
Work with Red Coral to amplify, circulate and balance passionate energy throughout your physical body.
", "button": "Shop Red Coral", "buttonUrl": "/collections/red-coral" }, { "title": "Rhodochrosite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/rhodochrosite.static_1200x.jpg?v=115200953433041270271710533100", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Rhodochrosite is a truth telling stone that works with the heart chakra to call in selfless love and compassion. Work with it to expand your consciousness and to take on a positive attitude.
Rhodochrosite removes denial and teaches the heart to assimilate painful feelings. Work with it to gently bring rise to and release repressed feelings.
", "button": "Shop Rhodochrosite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/rhodochrosite" }, { "title": "Rhodonite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/rhodonite.static_1200x.jpg?v=90595415531702562391710533101", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that encourages love and sisterhood of humanity. It has the ability to open your mind and heart to the perspective of others. Work with it to clear and activate the heart chakra for achieving non-judgement.
Rhodonite grounds your energy and helps you to achieve your highest potential. Work with it to clear away emotional wounds from this and past lifetimes, for the purpose of harbouring forgiveness and lightheartedness.
", "button": "Shop Rhodonite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/rhodonite" }, { "title": "Ruby", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/ruby.static_1200x.jpg?v=124663045881375647011710533103", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Ruby is an energizing stone that encourages passion for life, improves motivation and helps with setting realistic goals. Work with it to stimulate your heart chakra towards following your bliss.
Ruby is a stone of abundance that promotes dynamic leadership. Work with it to sharpen the mind, improve concentration and heighten awareness.
", "button": "Shop Ruby", "buttonUrl": "/collections/ruby" }, { "title": "Ruby Zoiste", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/ruby-zoiste.static_1200x.jpg?v=114077649944175465441710533102", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Ruby in Zoiste activates the crown chakra to create an altered state of consciousness. Work with it to gain access to soul memory and spiritual learning for the purpose of soul healing.
", "button": "Shop Ruby", "buttonUrl": "/collections/ruby" }, { "title": "SAPPHIRE", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/sapphire.static_1200x.jpg?v=148741580327273678961710533103", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Sapphire is known as the wisdom stone. It focuses and calms the mind, releasing unwanted thoughts and mental tension and brings in peace and serenity. Work with it to align, restore and balance the physical, mental and spiritual planes within the body.
", "button": "Shop Sapphire", "buttonUrl": "/collections/sapphire" }, { "title": "Blue Sapphire", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/blue-sapphire.static_1200x.jpg?v=86998893677207160971710533033", "chakra": "Throat Chakra", "description": "Blue Sapphire is a seeker of spiritual truth. An earth and chakra healing stone, it is a master of transmuting negative energies. Work with it to open and heal your throat chakra, and for facilitating self-expression and speaking your truth.
", "button": "Shop Sapphire", "buttonUrl": "/collections/sapphire" }, { "title": "Scapolite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/scapolite.static_1200x.jpg?v=73994336527443926821710533103", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra", "description": "Scapolite is a stone of self-discipline that stimulates independence and mental planning. It brings clarity and helps you overcome self-sabotage. Work with it to realign your inner saboteur with your lifeplan and for stepping into dynamic action.
", "button": "", "buttonUrl": "" }, { "title": "Purple Scapolite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/purple-scapolite.static_1200x.jpg?v=91620196938893052961710533095", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Purple Scapolite is an extremely high vibration stone that takes you back to a state of oneness. It helps you clear past life patterns and the voice of your inner saboteur. Work with it to alleviate feelings of alienation and scapegoating.
", "button": "", "buttonUrl": "" }, { "title": "Shaman Stones aka Moqui Stones", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/shaman-stones-aka-moqui-stones.static_1200x.jpg?v=49834469617993515201710533106", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Shaman Stones, aka Moqui Stone/Mochi Marbles/Navajo Cheeries/Indian Marbles, are sandstone balls cemented by a hard shell of Hematite.
Work with these Moqui Balls to balance your feminine and masculine energies, for grounding and protection against damaging frequencies, and for accelerating your spiritual and intuitive growth.
", "button": "Shop Shaman Stone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/shaman-stone" }, { "title": "Shattuckite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/shattuckite.static_1200x.jpg?v=133225137890687903431710533107", "chakra": "Third Eye and Throat Chakras", "description": "Shattuckite is a high vibration stone that brings the third eye and throat chakras into harmony. It brings clear vision and aids in understanding and communicating what's being received. Work with it to clear past life blockages that interfere with your ability to operate from your full potential.
", "button": "Shop Shattuckite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/shattuckite-1" }, { "title": "Selenite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/selenite.static_1200x.jpg?v=157003612968361000431710533104", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Selenite is a crown and upper chakra stone with a fine vibration. It's a clam stone that instills deep peace and enhances telepathy. Work with it to bring clarity of mind, for access to angelic consciousness and higher guidance, and to link to your light body.
Selenite is a lesson bringer, carrying the imprint of all that has happened in the world. Work with it to pinpoint issues that are still being worked upon, and for showing how they can be resolved.
", "button": "Shop Selenite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/selenite" }, { "title": "Desert Rose Selenite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/desert-rose-selenite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Desert Rose Selenite Stone helps you release old self-imposed programs, in order to make room for new ones. Work with it to strengthen affirmations and purposes.
", "button": "Shop Selenite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/selenite" }, { "title": "Septarian", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/septarian.static_1200x.jpg?v=53074461656009466591710533104", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "A combination of calcite, aragonite and chalcedony, Septarian is a rock that is strongly connected to the earth and plant kingdom.
It’s ideal for focusing the energy within drumming and chanting circles, and can be used to enhance the cohesiveness of any spiritual group.
Septarian also assists with reprogramming. It harmonizes the emotions and intellect with the higher mind and supports incubation of new ideas.
Work with this highly nurturing stone for detecting blockages and caring for your whole self.
", "button": "Shop Septarian", "buttonUrl": "/collections/septarian" }, { "title": "Seraphinite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/seraphinite.static_1200x.jpg?v=156120484192323281231710533104", "chakra": "Heart Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Seraphinite is a stone of spiritual enlightenment and self healing. It opens the crown and higher crown chakras making way for angelic connection and communication.
Work with it to promote living from the heart, to cleanse and open your heart chakra to unconditional love, and for setting yourself on the path to peace and fulfillment.
", "button": "Shop Seraphinite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/seraphinite" }, { "title": "Serpentine", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/serpentine.static_1200x.jpg?v=116919234257221035381710533105", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Serpentine is an earthing stone that aids with spiritual exploration. It opens the crown chakra and awakens your psychic abilities. Work with it for understanding the spiritual basis of life.
Serpentine assists with the conscious direction of energy toward problem areas, so that they may be addressed. Work with it to balance your mental and emotional bodies, and also for retrieval of wisdom.
", "button": "Shop Serpentine", "buttonUrl": "/collections/serpentine" }, { "title": "Shungite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/shungite.static_1200x.jpg?v=92873579638723038611710533107", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Shungite is a powerfully protective stone that is at least two billion years old and may have been instrumental at creating life on earth. It contains all the minerals in the periodic table and is composed of the antioxidant fullerenes. Work with it for cleansing and protection.
Shungite supports clearing out old mental and emotional programs that no longer support you, making way for new and beneficial ways of being. It encourages applying the wisdom of the past to the present, in the creation of a new future. Work with it to manifest more of what you want for yourself and the collective.
On a physical level, Shungite absorbs that which is hazardous to our health, including free radicals, bacteria and pesticides alongside vibrational emissions and electromagnetic frequencies. Work with it to boost physical well-being and defend the immune system.
", "button": "Shop Shungite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/shungite" }, { "title": "Elite Shungite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/elite-shungite.static_1200x.jpg?v=170625086569116833481710533043", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Elite Shungite is an amplify version of Shungite.
", "button": "Shop Shungite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/shungite" }, { "title": "Smithsonite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/smithsonite.static_1200x.jpg?v=40908663218835023091710533108", "chakra": "Heart and Third Eye Chakras", "description": "Smithsonite is a stone of favourable outcomes. It’s gentle presence forms a buffer against life’s problems, healing your inner child and alleviating the effects of emotional abuse.
Smithsonite is a tranquil stone that aligns the chakras and strengthens psychic abilities. Work with it to impart harmony and tranquility to unpleasant situations.
", "button": "Shop Smithsonite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/smithsonite" }, { "title": "Sodalite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/sodalite.static_1200x.jpg?v=112626486718748738951710533111", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Sodalite stimulates the pineal gland and Third Eye Chakra, connecting logic with intuition and opening spiritual perception. It instils a drive for truth and urges towards idealism. Work with it for the strength to be true to yourself and and to stand up for your beliefs.
Sodalite is a powerful EMF blocker that brings harmony and solidarity of purpose to groups or individuals, whether it be for business, spirituality or both. It also eliminates mental confusion and intellectual bondage. Work with it to encourage rational thinking and emotional objectivity.
", "button": "Shop Sodalite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/sodalite" }, { "title": "Spinel", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/spinel.static_1200x.jpg?v=94354171753368035201710533111", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Spinel is an energy renewal crystal that brings encouragement in difficult circumstances. It opens the chakras and facilitates the rise of Kundalini energy up the spine. Work with it to enhance the positive aspects of your personality, and for achieving success with humility.
", "button": "Shop Spinel", "buttonUrl": "/collections/spinel" }, { "title": "Black Spinel", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/black-spinel.static_1200x.jpg?v=94069301900295046031710533031", "chakra": "Earth Star Chakra and Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Black Spinel activates the root and earth star chakras, offering amplified protection for grounding insights into how to manage material problems.
", "button": "Shop Spinel", "buttonUrl": "/collections/spinel" }, { "title": "Stone Of Solidarity", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/stone-of-solidarity.static_1200x.jpg?v=56691459617764683611710533113", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Stone of Solidarity brings like-minded people together to form a group. Work with this stone to open unity consciousness and for drawing in aligned relationships.
", "button": "Shop Stone of Solidarity", "buttonUrl": "/collections/stone-of-solidarity" }, { "title": "Sugulite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/sugulite.static_1200x.jpg?v=32860430258614860381710533113", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Sugilite is a powerful love stone that pulls spiritual love and wisdom to the earth, opens all the chakras and brings them into alignment with the flow of that love. Work with it to bring love into the darkest situations.
Sugilite is a great guide in past life regression and also for attuning you to her highest timeline and soul’s purpose. Work with it to enhance spiritual awareness.
", "button": "Shop Sugulite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/sugulite" }, { "title": "Sunstone", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/sunstone.static_1200x.jpg?v=107647625249859853651710533114", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Sunstone is a stone of joy that instills good nature and heightens intuition. It clears all the chakras and brings in light and energy. Work with it to restore joy and for support in self-nurturing.
Sunstone is a stone of luck. It brings about a profound connection to light and the regenerative powers of the Sun. Work with it to loving remove any hooks from your aura, that may be depleting you of the joy you are entitled to.
", "button": "Shop Sunstone", "buttonUrl": "/collections/sunstone" }, { "title": "Super Seven", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/super-seven.static_1200x.jpg?v=141087217523752056491710533114", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Super Seven is a combination of Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Quartz, Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrocite and Cacoxenite. It's an extremely high vibration stone that carries the vibration of the whole collective of stones in each pieces, regardless of how present each one is in each piece. Super Seven also supports and amplifies the energies of the stones around it.
Work with it to remember your place in the human collective, and also to amplify how your position affects those around you.
Super Seven activates all the chakras and subtle energetic bodies, aligning them to the highest spiritual vibration. Work with it to bring your soul back into communication with the divine.
", "button": "Shop Super Seven", "buttonUrl": "/collections/super-seven" }, { "title": "Tanzanite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/tanzanite.static_1200x.jpg?v=76765212884068933741710533114", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Tanzanite Aura is a stone of transmutation with an extremely high vibration linking to the angelic realms, spirit guides, Ascended Master and Christ Consciousness.
Tanzanite opens the subtle chakras and supports altered states of consciousness, facilitating inner and outer journeying, metaphysical abilities and deep meditation. It facilitates multi-dimensional karmic and cellular healing, preparing you for ascension and connecting you with the Akasha realm.
", "button": "Shop Tanzanite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tanzanite" }, { "title": "Tiffany Stone aka Purple Opal", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/tiffany-stone-aka-purple-opal.static_1200x.jpg?v=36119790891026588921710533116", "chakra": "Heart Chakra and Crown Chakra", "description": "Purple Opal is also known as Tiffany Stone.
Tiffany Stone is a rare and complex gemstone that enhances intuition and metaphysical gifts. It's an upper crown chakras stone that connects you to higher dimensions and guidance. Work with it to interpret channeled materials and integrate the light-body into the physical realm.
Tiffany Stone encourages becoming more open and receptive. It fills the heart and upper heart chakras with unconditional love. Work with it to amplify persistence towards following your soul's path.
", "button": "Shop Opal - Tiffany Stone -", "buttonUrl": "/collections/opal" }, { "title": "TIGER’S EYE", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/tiger-rsquo-s-eye.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Lower Chakras", "description": "Tiger's Eye combines the energies of the earth and sun to create a high vibrational state that grounds your spiritual energies to the earth.
Traditionally carried to guard against ill wishing and curses, Tiger's Eye is a protective stone that balances the lower chakras and gives rise to the kundalini energy.
Tiger's Eye brings out your integrity, promotes clarity of intention and shows you how to use your power for the benefit of all.
Tiger's Eye helps you differentiate needs from desires and enhances practical perception. It also aids in healing issues around depression and self-worth, and removes blockages around your creativity.
", "button": "Shop Tiger's Eye", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tigers-eye" }, { "title": "Grey Hawk's Eye", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/grey-hawk-s-eye.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Grey Hawk's Eye is a form of Tiger's Eye. It's a powerful grounding stone that clears and energizes the base chakra, stimulating and invigorating the physical body. Hawk's Eye aids increased psychic abilities associated with clairvoyance and insight. Work with it to bring issues into perspective and dissolve pessimism.
Grey Hawk's Eye will bring to surface restrictive thought patterns and ingrained behaviours that do not serve the greatest good of all, as well as locked in emotions and disease from past lives. Work with it release the desire to blame others for problems of your own making.
", "button": "Shop Tiger's Eye", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tigers-eye" }, { "title": "Red Tiger’s Eye", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/red-tiger-rsquo-s-eye.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Lower Chakras", "description": "Red Tiger's Eye is a stone of motivation and personal expression. Work with it to enhance confidence and self-esteem, and for a more active sex drive.
", "button": "Shop Tiger's Eye", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tigers-eye" }, { "title": "TIGER IRON", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/tiger-iron.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Lower Chakras", "description": "Tiger Iron is made up of Hematite, Red Jasper and Tiger’s Eye, and possesses the metaphysical properties of each of these stones in unison.
", "button": "Shop Tiger Iron", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tiger-iron" }, { "title": "TECKTITE", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/tecktite.static_1200x.jpg?v=178078265187204575411710533115", "chakra": "Third Eye/Brow Chakra", "description": "Tecktite is an extraterrestrial stone that enhances communication with other worlds. It encourages spiritual growth through its absorption of higher knowledge and forms a link between creative energy and matter. Work with it to remember the lessons learned and also for insight into the true cause of undesirable experiences.
Tecktite realigns the chakras and balances their energy flow. It also strengthens the biomagnetic shield around the body. Work with it to activate your light-body.
When working with Tektite on your third-eye, it will open communication with other dimensions.
", "button": "Shop Tecktite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tecktite" }, { "title": "Cintamani", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/cintamani.static_1200x.jpg?v=12144984663645358821710533039", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Cintamani is a stone of initiation and creative power. Said to be associated with Jesus and the Buddha, Cintamani will facilitate your spiritual awakening and transformation of self. Work with it to align with your full capacity to manifest your dreams.
", "button": "Shop Tecktite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tecktite" }, { "title": "Libyan Glass Tecktite aka Libyan Desert Tecktite, Libyan Gold Tektite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/libyan-glass-tecktite-aka-libyan-desert-tecktite.static_1200x.jpg?16332, Libyan Gold Tektite", "chakra": "Upper Chakras", "description": "Libyan Glass Tecktite, also known as Libyan Desert Tecktite and Libyan Gold Tektite, carries the powerful energies of the Sun within its properties, acting as a protective amulet across physical and metaphysical journeys.
Libyan Glass Tecktite can dissolve the restrictions place on you in another life, thereby allowing you to connect with ancient Egyptian wisdom. Work with it to identify the misuses of power and knowledge of those times, as they have contributed to where we are now.
Libyan Glass Tecktite is also a powerful conductor of every between higher cosmic energies and the planet. It will ground and transmute this energy into the earth and your physical body, for the purpose of opening your spiritual vision. Work with it to free yourself from the past, so that you may reconnect to your spiritual roots.
", "button": "Shop Tecktite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tecktite" }, { "title": "Moldavite", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/moldavite.static_1200x.jpg?v=145888117109247963321710533073", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Moldavite is a form of Tektite, a stone not from this planet. Formed when a giant meteorite struck the earth, it’s a fusion of extraterrestrial matter with that of the earth.
A rare stone that’s on its way to becoming extinct, Moldavite is a talisman and amulet for good fortune and fertility, greatly enhancing the properties of other stones and taking them to their highest vibration.
Work with Moldavite to put you in touch with the Ascended Masters and to shift your consciousness. It's best used while grounding or alongside clear Quartz - so that you don’t get too high from it's vibration.
Moldavite is an unconventional stone that releases fixed ideas and archaic belief systems to bring forth unexpected solutions. It opens, clears blockages from and aligns the chakras. Work with it to integrate your divine blueprint with your soul’s purpose.
", "button": "Shop Moldavite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/moldavite" }, { "title": "TOPAZ", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/topaz.static_1200x.jpg?v=171535246779542770721710533118", "chakra": "Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra", "description": "Topaz is a stone of love and good fortune. Its mellow vibration directs energy to where it is needed most, so that it may soothe, heal, stimulate and align the meridians of the body.
Topaz is a motivational stone that helps shed light on the path, highlights goals and taps into inner resources. Work with it to bring about a trust in the universe that enables you to ‘be’ rather ‘do’.
Topaz harbours positive and negative energies at its tip, making it the ideal stone for manifesting on the physical plane. That, alongside its abundant vibration, makes it an ideal stone to work with for problem solving and creative ventures.
", "button": "Shop Topaz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/mystic-topaz" }, { "title": "Mystic Topaz", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/mystic-topaz.static_1200x.jpg?v=170796156048846377111710533076", "chakra": "Crown Chakra", "description": "Mystic Topaz is Topaz coated with vaporized Titanium oxide, which lifts its energy to an extremely high vibration.
Mystic Topaz activates trust in the universe and induces relaxation that enables simply being - in the here and now as we are. Work with it to shed light on your spiritual path, highlight your heart intentions and tap into your inner resources.
Mystic Topaz brings light to the knowledge you've gained over many life experiences, and helps you open your mind to the macro and micro perspectives of this one. Work with it to stabilize your emotions and become more receptive to love.
", "button": "Shop Topaz", "buttonUrl": "/collections/mystic-topaz" }, { "title": "TOURMALINE", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/tourmaline.static_1200x.jpg?v=6121256339849608481710533118", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Tormaline cleanses, purifies and transmutes dense energies into higher frequencies. It grounds spiritual energy, clears and balances all the chakras and forms a protective shield around the body.
Tourmaline brings the aura, chakras and mental faculty into alignment and aids in the assimilation and translation of coded information.
Work with it to banish the victim mentality in place of self-accountability and confidence, and also for attracting inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.
", "button": "Shop Tourmaline", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tourmaline" }, { "title": "Black Tourmaline", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/black-tourmaline.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Root/Base Chakra", "description": "Black Tourmaline is a protective stone that guards against EMF, psychic attack and negative energies of all kind. Work with it to guard against the ill-wishing of others.
It is also a grounding stone that increases physical vitality by way of grounding the base chakra with the energies of the earth. Work with it to promote clear and positive thoughts and feelings.
", "button": "Shop Black Tourmaline", "buttonUrl": "/collections/black-tourmaline" }, { "title": "Pink Tourmaline", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/pink-tourmaline.static_1200x.jpg?v=32327264697774849061710533093", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Pink Tourmaline attracts love and provides assurance in love. It also synthesizes love with spirituality. Work with it to inspire faith in romance, and for heightening physical pleasure between your lover and yourself.
", "button": "Shop Tourmaline", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tourmaline" }, { "title": "Green Tourmaline", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/green-tourmaline.static_1200x.jpg?v=20791563427048385681710533049", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Green Tourmaline is a heart chakra stone that instills patience and promotes a sense of belonging. Work with it to bring balance and joy. Green Tourmaline promotes and inspires creativity and problem solving. It opens us up to possible solutions and helps us select the most constructive. Green Tourmaline is also a healing stone that aids sleep, quiets the mind and fortifies the nervous system for energetic shifting.
", "button": "Shop Tourmaline", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tourmaline" }, { "title": "Multicoloured Tourmaline", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/multicoloured-tourmaline.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Multicoloured Tourmaline contains every colour of tourmaline in its composition. It brings the mind, body, spirit and soul into alignment and amplifies a feeling of wholeness, providing a gateway into the inner self and higher spiritual realms. Work with it to inspire creativity and enhance imagination.
Pink Tourmaline attracts love and provides assurance in love. It also synthesizes love with spirituality. Work with it to inspire faith in romance, and for heightening physical pleasure between your lover and yourself.
", "button": "Shop Tourmaline", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tourmaline" }, { "title": "Watermelon Tourmaline", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/watermelon-tourmaline.static_1200x.jpg?v=144304545634976014371710533121", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Watermelon Tourmaline is a heart chakra stone that links your heart to your higher self. It fosters love, tenderness and friendship and instills peace. Work with it to release old pain and promote inner security.
This is powerful stone for dissolving any resistance you may be feeling towards becoming whole once more.
", "button": "Shop Tourmaline", "buttonUrl": "/collections/tourmaline" }, { "title": "TURQUOISE", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/turquoise.static_1200x.jpg?v=135906235891046583451710533119", "chakra": "All Chakras", "description": "Turquoise is a purification stone that dispels negative energy and clears electromagnetic smog. It balances and aligns all the chakras, enhances intuition and helps you release old vows and fixed inhibitions. Work with it to bring solace and well-being to the spiritual and physical bodies.
Turquoise balances the masculine and feminine energies and promotes true self-realization. Work with it to alleviate depression and for stabilizing mood swings.
", "button": "Shop Turquoise", "buttonUrl": "/collections/turquoise" }, { "title": "VANADINITE", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/vanadinite.static_1200x.jpg?v=160957920301710569271710533120", "chakra": "Earth Star Chakra", "description": "Vanadinite is an earth chakra stone. It grounds your soul into your physical body and assists you with creating comfort in that space. It teaches you how to conserve energy at the physical level. Work with it to accept your physical appearance.
Vanadinite has the power to open an internal channel within the body to receive universal energy for aligning the chakras and bringing the higher self into the physical body. Work with it to facilitate deep inner peace.
Work with Vanadinite to shut off mental chatter for the purpose of combining insight and rational thought, as your inner voice of guidance.
", "button": "Shop Vanadinite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/vanadinite" }, { "title": "VARISCITE", "photo": "//shamansisters.com/cdn/shop/t/49/assets/variscite.static_1200x.jpg?16332", "chakra": "Heart Chakra", "description": "Variscite is a heart centre stone that promotes unconditional love and encouragement. Work with it to access past life experiences and feelings.
Variscite is also a stone of hope and authenticity. Work with it to step forth into the world while instilling trust in the universe.
", "button": "Shop Variscite", "buttonUrl": "/collections/variscite" } ]
Your Free Crystal Care Guide
Crystals and gemstones absorb energies from you and the environment. To maintain their high vibration, they need to be cleansed of these energies.