Selenite is a crystal on our top must-have list to have in the home, also known as liquid light, Selenite is a form of gypsum crystal. Selenite is a soft but very powerful mineral which is capable of removing stagnant energies, bringing good luck, cleansing toxic energy, protection from psychic attack and clearing the home and body of negative energies etc.
Although, Selenite contains no significant Selenium in it but the similarity of names is just because , both are derived from the word Selena referring to the Greek Goddess of the Moon, and Lithos which means stone.
Some of the benefits of Selenite are discussed here:
High Vibrational Stone: Selenite crystal carries a high vibration, which can quickly move spiritual growth forward. Selenite is the stone of the third eye chakra, the soul star chakra and the crown chakra. Selenite crystal opens the crown chakra, allowing you to access the transpersonal chakra right from the eighth chakra to the fourteenth chakra. Similarly when this stone is used at the heart chakra or the third eye, the movement of energy can be felt through the crown chakra.
Clears Energy Blockages: Selenite is very helpful in removing all sorts energy blockages in the body. For example, if any part of your body is sore or tight, then place a wand of selenite on that part for 20 minutes and feel the difference. Selenite is also efficient at purifying and clearing both the jewellery and the environment. The healing properties of selenite hold the energy of light and makes you feel good.
Purifies Toxic Energies: This crystal is vastly used for correcting the imbalances that occur due to negative or erratic emotions and negative energies in your energetic field. Hence is a powerful tool for removal of negative energies from one’s aura.
Cleanses gemstones: Selenite has ability to charge and recharge all the crystals which come in its contact.
How to work with Selenite: Use Selenite during mediation by holding it in your hand or placing it on your body. Place Selenite anywhere on the body that is experiencing pain, tightness or discomfort. Run a Selenite wand throughout your Aura and body to cleanse and remove any negative attachments. Place a Selenite lamp in your bedroom or living room to cleanse the space and create a high vibration. Use a Selenite log to charge and cleanse your gemstone jewelry and crystals by placing them on top over night.
On top of all the cleansing and protective benefits keeping Selenite crystals in your home create a gorgeous ambiance that will create a positive and sacred space for you.
Selenite Lamp
Selenite Lamps emit a soothing light that emits negative ions, increasing your body temperature and relieving sickness.
They provide an excellent solution for those who are interested in chakra healing but don't want to have to buy expensive gemstones or crystals. They also work by purifying the air that we breathe while simultaneously helping release negative energy.
Selenite Bowl
The Selenite Bowl is a powerful tool for healing the body, mind, emotions and spirit. The bowl has been used by shamans to make contact with spirits since ancient times. It can be found in many places today where people gather together peacefully using it as an instrument of meditation and ceremonial purposes like weddings or funerals.
The energy from the center spreads outward into all aspects of your life making you feel more whole than ever before!
Selenite Touchstone
Selenite touchstones were used by ancient civilizations to test the purity of gold and silver. These crystals would be rubbed against each other or a plate, which was then examined for scratch marks that could indicate whether something contained purity of material or not.
They can help you to heal yourself by helping release negative energy and increasing your personal protection. They also bring happiness, contentment and peace of mind so that you can find more joy in simple living!
Selenite Stick
Selenite is a stone that gives insight into issues. Use it to look at past events and how they can be resolved, or for understanding more about the present moment in order to move forward with clarity of mind.
Selenite stick brings clarity of mind, an aspect which enhances telepathy and angelic consciousness. Selenite has the ability to pinpoint issues still being worked on by showing how they can be resolved.
Selenite Heart
Selenite heart, associated with love and compassion, enhances the heart's energy field.
Selenite is a mirror that reflects emotions back to us so we can discern whether they are true or not; which helps us understand our experiences better than before by amplifying feelings of empathy and understanding towards others' pain/joys as well as their own.
Selenite Wand
Selenite has a number of metaphysical properties that make it useful for healing. Selenite is known to have the ability to clear, balance and protect the aura , which in turn can stimulate the chakras . It is also used to amplify intent during workings such as meditation or spell-casting.
Selenite wand works with all chakras to improve their function. It works particularly well on the heart and crown chakras. It brings balance, but it has a strong ability to amplify energy as well.
Selenite Sword
Selenite sword can help you create strong, clear thoughts and ideas. It will also ensure that you are not drained by the people in your environment or what's going on around it so that nothing interferes with your personal life goals.
Selenite is a stone of mental clarity and clearing, which enhances mental flexibility and enables one to remain calm under pressure. It also helps eliminate stress and handle emotional situations more easily.
Shop our Selenite Collection (here).