Aura Clearing 101: How to keep your aura bright and clear

Our aura is our electromagnetic field. Some people like to call it the light body, the vital body, or the subtle body.   It refers to the energy that keeps us alive.

Our aura absorbs the energy of the things in our environment. When we are in places full of negative energy, our auras absorb it.

We vibrate at a low frequency in a heated discussion or when we have negative thoughts. These negative vibrations have an impact on our aura.

As a result, you should cleanse your aura regularly. Keep reading to find out how to cleanse your aura!

How to cleanse your aura.

The Rattle

The rhythm and sound of a shamanic rattle is one of the quickest and simplest tools you can use for shifting into an altered state. Rattles can also be used to clear heavy energies, to call in the directions and spirits, and to sing songs.

The spirit of the rattle will work with you and guide you if you ask it to. See how the rattle feels in your hand—observe the weight and the way the sounds emanate from the seeds inside of it. Notice how the seeds inside the rattle may spin or create sounds when using it around various forms of energy.

Simply take your rattle and shake it all around you, from the head to the toe. Feel how it cleanses your auric field and spend extra time in areas of pain and constriction.

The Drum

The drum has been used by diverse cultures around the world as a sacred shamanic healing tool. Shamanic drumming is a repetitive drumbeat typically with a tempo of three to seven beats per second. This rhythm will induce trance states for shamanic journeying. A simple rhythm to start playing the drum is the beat of one, two, three, four (repeat) beat.  

The heartbeat, just like the name, is the rhythm of one two, one two (repeat). Once you get more comfortable with the drum, you can learn various beats and rhythms and you will discover what feels good to you. 

Beat the drum at a steady pace as you cleanse your home or your aura. The more you work with your drum, the more naturally it will guide you. It can even seem as though it is playing through you.

Crystal wands 

Wands have a unique form that allows them to project energy from their tips. Healers employ wands to focus energy on specific parts of the body.

You can use wands to dissipate negative energy from a precise area or guide energy to an organ that needs healing.

There are wands made from different materials. Woods like cedar and pine, for example, are the most frequent.

Crystal wands aren't like other wands in that they work uniquely. They operate to increase the power of the healing by amplifying the energy.

Crystals can amplify energy and then concentrate it on an energy ray to heal.

You can use crystal wands to detach entities from the aura. Grab your wand with your right hand, imagine energy coming from your heart through your arm to the tip of the wand. Then, apply the energy to the part that needs healing.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a powerfully protective stone that will help you create a shield between your own energies and those in your environment, specifically damaging energies like EMF, environmental smog and dense energies from unhealthy individuals. 

Black tourmaline forms a protective forcefield around you, your aura and your home or workspace, if you keep it there.

Black Tourmaline is also a grounding stone that increases physical vitality by way of grounding your base chakra with the energies of the earth.

The best way to work with black tourmaline is to wear or keep it on your body, and also to place it in your home and workspace. 

The larger the piece, the more protective the shield it will create for you. 

Because black tourmaline works so diligently at absorbing and transmuting unwanted energies, it's extremely important that you care for it regularly.

Cleansing, charging and programming your black tourmaline will ensure that it stays clean, activated and doing its highest quality protection work at all times.

Herbal bath

Some herbs are great allies to cleanse your aura and your subtle body. For example, rue, wormwood, mugwort, rosemary, and sage. Collect some of these herbs and put them in water, boil them, strain the herbs, and bathe with this infusion.

Chant mantras while you do this, like the mantra “OM”, light a candle, relax. 

Then, other herbs are wonderful to harmonize your body. Try roses, chamomile, cinnamon, orange peels, or lavender. Then, apply this frankincense essential oil.

Essential oils

Plants have the magic of nature and healing. They are allies to cleanse and purify your physical and subtle bodies. 

You can harness that power with essential oils. Each essential oil has the magic of a specific plant or a group of herbs. After regular showering, apply essential oil to your body and feel its rejuvenating effect.

The energy of each essential oil depends on the plant it is made of.

You can also infuse the oil with crystals, which adds a powerful effect to cleanse your aura.

For example, Frankincense and Herkimer Diamond are both powerful amplifiers that work wonders together. Inhale it to invite spirituality and connection. Both Frankincense and Herkimer Diamond work wonders for spiritual practice. 

Also, this Palo Santo and Andara-infused essential oil is perfect for aura cleansing. Inhale it to bring clarity and enlightenment into your life. 

Herbal spray

Herbal sprays are like regular sprays, but they cleanse your aura. They are made from herbs to harness all the power of nature.

This protection spray is a blend of Ciacus, Palo Santo, Vetiver, Lavender, Sage, Benzoin, and Frankincense. These herbs are mixed with Ethyl Alcohol, Witch Hazel, Aqua Em, and distilled water and enhanced with Black Tourmaline gemstones and flower essences of Walnut, Black Locust, Lichen, Scarlet Pimpernel, and White Cherry.  

Together these essences work with your intentions to cleanse, clear, and protect your energetic body or your space. Use it as an energetic spray to cleanse your body when you feel you are charged from negative energy. 

Use it after showering for physical and spiritual cleansing.

You can also apply it before going to bed to make sure you have sweet dreams!

Singing bowls 

Sound is a wonderful way to cleanse your aura and balance your chakra, and singing bowls are some of the best sound therapies.

A singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep, enchanting tone. They are helpful for relaxation and have many healing properties. Their sound aligns you with a higher level of consciousness.

When playing singing bowls, their sides, and rim vibrate, producing sounds with a base frequency and two audible harmonic overtones.

Certain tones can help you heal, balance, and meditate by affecting your energy centers (chakras). Hearing the divine sound of the singing bowls appears to reawaken an ancient memory that speaks to the soul.  Singing bowls radiate a powerful, pure resonance that clears and activates the physical and subtle bodies.

Singing bowls work wonders for cleansing your aura and removing any negativity. Play your singing bowl and feel how your subtle body reacts to it. 

These chakra singing bowls produce sounds that target each chakra to balance them. 

Smoke cleansing

After showering, use a smoke cleanse to purify yourself and remove negativity. Burn palo santo, sage, cedar, pine, rosemary, or anything you like. Always ask the spirit of the plant to help you.

You can also chant mantras while you smoke cleanse yourself or others.


When your aura is charged with negativity, you will feel sad, tired, or anxious. That is why it is so essential to cleanse it regularly.

At Shaman Sisters®, we too appreciate the power of crystals to align with the frequencies of love. That's why Rebecca selects each crystal we sell by hand based on beauty and vibration, and also why our unique designs are crafted, created, and programmed with intentions that serve your highest good.

We don’t just sell crystals, we create instruments and offer services, ceremonies, training, and retreats that serve your transcendence by helping you raise your vibration and enhance your frequency.

Click here to get lovely energy tools! 

For more ways to cleanse your aura, check The Ultimate Guide to Shamanism; A Modern Guide to Shamanic Healing, Tools and Ceremony!

{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "articleBody": "Our aura is our electromagnetic field. Some people like to call it the light body, the vital body, or the subtle body.   It refers to the energy that keeps us alive.\nOur aura absorbs the energy of the things in our environment. When we are in places full of negative energy, our auras absorb it.\nWe vibrate at a low frequency in a heated discussion or when we have negative thoughts. These negative vibrations have an impact on our aura.\nAs a result, you should cleanse your aura regularly. Keep reading to find out how to cleanse your aura!\nHow to cleanse your aura.\nThe Rattle\n\nThe rhythm and sound of a shamanic rattle is one of the quickest and simplest tools you can use for shifting into an altered state. Rattles can also be used to clear heavy energies, to call in the directions and spirits, and to sing songs.\nThe spirit of the rattle will work with you and guide you if you ask it to. See how the rattle feels in your hand—observe the weight and the way the sounds emanate from the seeds inside of it. Notice how the seeds inside the rattle may spin or create sounds when using it around various forms of energy.\nSimply take your rattle and shake it all around you, from the head to the toe. Feel how it cleanses your auric field and spend extra time in areas of pain and constriction.\nThe Drum\n\nThe drum has been used by diverse cultures around the world as a sacred shamanic healing tool. Shamanic drumming is a repetitive drumbeat typically with a tempo of three to seven beats per second. This rhythm will induce trance states for shamanic journeying. A simple rhythm to start playing the drum is the beat of one, two, three, four (repeat) beat.  \nThe heartbeat, just like the name, is the rhythm of one two, one two (repeat). Once you get more comfortable with the drum, you can learn various beats and rhythms and you will discover what feels good to you. \nBeat the drum at a steady pace as you cleanse your home or your aura. The more you work with your drum, the more naturally it will guide you. It can even seem as though it is playing through you.\nCrystal wands \n\nWands have a unique form that allows them to project energy from their tips. Healers employ wands to focus energy on specific parts of the body.\nYou can use wands to dissipate negative energy from a precise area or guide energy to an organ that needs healing.\nThere are wands made from different materials. Woods like cedar and pine, for example, are the most frequent.\nCrystal wands aren't like other wands in that they work uniquely. They operate to increase the power of the healing by amplifying the energy.\nCrystals can amplify energy and then concentrate it on an energy ray to heal.\nYou can use crystal wands to detach entities from the aura. Grab your wand with your right hand, imagine energy coming from your heart through your arm to the tip of the wand. Then, apply the energy to the part that needs healing.\nBlack Tourmaline\n\n\nBlack tourmaline is a powerfully protective stone that will help you create a shield between your own energies and those in your environment, specifically damaging energies like EMF, environmental smog and dense energies from unhealthy individuals. \nBlack tourmaline forms a protective forcefield around you, your aura and your home or workspace, if you keep it there.\nBlack Tourmaline is also a grounding stone that increases physical vitality by way of grounding your base chakra with the energies of the earth.\n\nThe best way to work with black tourmaline is to wear or keep it on your body, and also to place it in your home and workspace. \nThe larger the piece, the more protective the shield it will create for you. \nBecause black tourmaline works so diligently at absorbing and transmuting unwanted energies, it's extremely important that you care for it regularly.\nCleansing, charging and programming your black tourmaline will ensure that it stays clean, activated and doing its highest quality protection work at all times.\n\n\nHerbal bath\nSome herbs are great allies to cleanse your aura and your subtle body. For example, rue, wormwood, mugwort, rosemary, and sage. Collect some of these herbs and put them in water, boil them, strain the herbs, and bathe with this infusion.\nChant mantras while you do this, like the mantra “OM”, light a candle, relax. \nThen, other herbs are wonderful to harmonize your body. Try roses, chamomile, cinnamon, orange peels, or lavender. Then, apply this frankincense essential oil.\nEssential oils\n\nPlants have the magic of nature and healing. They are allies to cleanse and purify your physical and subtle bodies. \nYou can harness that power with essential oils. Each essential oil has the magic of a specific plant or a group of herbs. After regular showering, apply essential oil to your body and feel its rejuvenating effect.\nThe energy of each essential oil depends on the plant it is made of.\nYou can also infuse the oil with crystals, which adds a powerful effect to cleanse your aura.\nFor example, Frankincense and Herkimer Diamond are both powerful amplifiers that work wonders together. Inhale it to invite spirituality and connection. Both Frankincense and Herkimer Diamond work wonders for spiritual practice. \nAlso, this Palo Santo and Andara-infused essential oil is perfect for aura cleansing. Inhale it to bring clarity and enlightenment into your life. \nHerbal spray\nHerbal sprays are like regular sprays, but they cleanse your aura. They are made from herbs to harness all the power of nature.\n\nThis protection spray is a blend of Ciacus, Palo Santo, Vetiver, Lavender, Sage, Benzoin, and Frankincense. These herbs are mixed with Ethyl Alcohol, Witch Hazel, Aqua Em, and distilled water and enhanced with Black Tourmaline gemstones and flower essences of Walnut, Black Locust, Lichen, Scarlet Pimpernel, and White Cherry.  \nTogether these essences work with your intentions to cleanse, clear, and protect your energetic body or your space. Use it as an energetic spray to cleanse your body when you feel you are charged from negative energy. \nUse it after showering for physical and spiritual cleansing.\nYou can also apply it before going to bed to make sure you have sweet dreams!\nSinging bowls \n\nSound is a wonderful way to cleanse your aura and balance your chakra, and singing bowls are some of the best sound therapies.\nA singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep, enchanting tone. They are helpful for relaxation and have many healing properties. Their sound aligns you with a higher level of consciousness.\nWhen playing singing bowls, their sides, and rim vibrate, producing sounds with a base frequency and two audible harmonic overtones.\nCertain tones can help you heal, balance, and meditate by affecting your energy centers (chakras). Hearing the divine sound of the singing bowls appears to reawaken an ancient memory that speaks to the soul.  Singing bowls radiate a powerful, pure resonance that clears and activates the physical and subtle bodies.\nSinging bowls work wonders for cleansing your aura and removing any negativity. Play your singing bowl and feel how your subtle body reacts to it. \nThese chakra singing bowls produce sounds that target each chakra to balance them. \nSmoke cleansing\n\nAfter showering, use a smoke cleanse to purify yourself and remove negativity. Burn palo santo, sage, cedar, pine, rosemary, or anything you like. Always ask the spirit of the plant to help you.\nYou can also chant mantras while you smoke cleanse yourself or others.\nConclusions\nWhen your aura is charged with negativity, you will feel sad, tired, or anxious. That is why it is so essential to cleanse it regularly.\nAt Shaman Sisters®, we too appreciate the power of crystals to align with the frequencies of love. That's why Rebecca selects each crystal we sell by hand based on beauty and vibration, and also why our unique designs are crafted, created, and programmed with intentions that serve your highest good.\nWe don’t just sell crystals, we create instruments and offer services, ceremonies, training, and retreats that serve your transcendence by helping you raise your vibration and enhance your frequency.\nClick here to get lovely energy tools! \nFor more ways to cleanse your aura, check The Ultimate Guide to Shamanism; A Modern Guide to Shamanic Healing, Tools and Ceremony!", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "https:\/\/" }, "headline": "Aura Clearing 101: How to keep your aura bright and clear", "image": [ "https:\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/articles\/aug11-10_1_2500x.jpg?v=1648165908" ], "datePublished": "2022-03-24T19:51:46Z", "dateCreated": "2022-03-24T19:51:47Z", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Shaman Sisters" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Shaman Sisters" } }